Holy Trinity Celebrates Its 225th
By October 7, 2019 0 1160
•Oct. 6 was a joyous Sunday for Holy Trinity Parish, as it celebrated 225 years of the Catholic faith community on 36th Street NW with its refreshed main church and multitude of parishioners.
The day begin with a special Mass where all the parish priests gathered. The pastor, the Rev. Kevin Gillespie, S.J., stressed in his homily that it was the people of the parish who met the struggles over the years to make Holy Trinity its own shining church and school on Holy Hill today.
After Mass, activities abounded in the church, St. Ignatius Chapel, the Parish Center and the schoolyard. Church caps were for sale, as well as crosses made from the wood of the old pews that were taken out of the church during the summer’s restoration.
At the playground, children had their faces painted, played on the jungle gym and said hello to small animals: ducks, rabbits, a guinea pig, a hedgehog and an iguana.
On the side of the playground, a colorful Youth Ministry Mural was created to be installed in the Parish Center.
At the McKenna Center, historical items of worship were displayed, as visitors looked over the church’s timeline mural. Silhouettes were drawn for guests, and there was a prayer labyrinth in the next room.
Two types of lunch were offered, German and Salvadoran, with beer and wine at the rectory’s back porch.
At the chapel, a lecture was given on the church’s history. In front of the chapel, the first church for the parish, prayer ribbons of memories and intentions — written on in private by anyone who wished — were tied around the wrought-iron fence.
The day wrapped up with the play, put on by Holy Trinity students, “Mystery on Holy Hill,” a story of the church as seen by three children, with a cameo by President Abraham Lincoln, who attended a funeral Mass at the church.