Tech Tip: How to Keep Staff From Unintentionally Causing a Security Breach

With so many access points, from mobile phones to laptops and home computers, how can anyone hope to keep their network safe from hackers, viruses and other unintentional security breaches?

The answer is not “one thing,” but a series of things you have to implement and constantly be vigilant about, such as installing and constantly updating your firewall, antivirus and spam-filtering software and backups. This is why clients hire outside IT providers; it’s a full-time job for a person with specific expertise.

Once that basic foundation is in place, the next most important thing you can do is create an Acceptable Use Policy or AUP and train your employees on how to use company devices and other security protocols — such as never accessing company email, data or applications with unprotected home PCs and devices.

Other topics for training: how to create good passwords, how to recognize a phishing email, what websites to never access, etc. NEVER assume your employees know everything they need to know about IT security. Threats are ever-evolving and attacks are getting more sophisticated and clever by the minute.

This series of posts is one great way to keep your employees informed, but you still need a good AUP in place and training. Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional assistance.

Alan Edwards, CISM, is chief information officer at Computerware, Inc., in Vienna, Virginia.



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