Wisconsin Ave. Repaving to Finish by Oct. 19
By October 1, 2020 0 857
The District Department of Transportation is now working on Georgetown’s other main street, Wisconsin Avenue. For some local leaders, the project seemed to catch them by surprise. Rick Murphy, who chairs the Georgetown advisory neighborhood commission, spoke at a Sept. 29 meeting expressing annoyance at the short notice that DDOT gave community groups.
Still, the milling and paving must go on — with restaurants’ streateries temporarily moved off the street. A hardship to be sure, but the work will target particular blocks and should be quick, DDOT says.
Already, the city agency has began to restrict curbside parking and temporarily close lanes of traffic and sidewalks on Wisconsin Avenue from M Street to Whitehaven Parkway.
The closures and restrictions are needed to resurface the roadway and repair sidewalks. The contractor is authorized to work on sidewalks Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the resurfacing work taking place Monday through Friday from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. Construction is scheduled to be completed by Monday, Oct. 19, weather permitting.
Parking restriction signs will be posted at least 72 hours in advance at locations where parking will not be allowed. These signs will specify the duration and dates of “No Parking” and provide contact information for the engineer in charge.
Traffic control devices will be in place. Motorists should anticipate moderate delays due to the lane closures. Drivers are advised to stay alert while traveling through these locations and to be observant of the work zone.