‘Good Trouble Candlelight Vigil for Democracy’ at Black Lives Matter Plaza in D.C. (photos)
By July 18, 2021 One Comment 2280
•Hundreds of advocates for voting and civil rights assembled on Black Lives Matter Plaza, a few blocks from the White House on Saturday, July 17, to mark the one year anniversary of the passing of civil rights giant U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-GA). The gathering was dubbed the “Good Trouble: Candlelight Vigil for Democracy,” and was one of many similar events honoring the 17-term congressman taking place concurrently around the country.
Lewis served in Congress for 33 years and spent his life advocating for the rights of minorities. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act (also known as H.R. 4) is proposed legislation that would restore and strengthen parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, certain portions of which were struck down by the United States Supreme Court in 2013 by Shelby County v. Holder.
The D.C. event was hosted by civil rights activist and radio talk show host Joe Madison. Among the featured speakers was Congressional Black Caucus Chair Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio) who was recently arrested on Capitol Hill while campaigning for voting rights. Also in attendance were several Texas Democratic lawmakers who recently fled the state in order to forestall onerous voter restrictions there. They came to Washington to lobby Congress to pass national voting rights legislation.
“Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and redeem the soul of America.” John Lewis made this statement on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on March 1, 2020, commemorating the tragic events of “Bloody Sunday,” March 7, 1965, where he and other peaceful civil rights protesters were severely beaten by law enforcement.
View Jeff Malet’s photos from Saturday’s “Good Trouble: Candlelight Vigil for Democracy” rally in D.C. by clicking on the photo icons below.
Thanks for taking these great photos of such a moving event.