DDOT Turns Down Synagogue’s Request for Bollards
By January 10, 2022 One Comment 1309
•The Kesher Israel Congregation of Georgetown at 2801 N St. NW has requested support from the city for security bollards to protect their synagogue. A bollard is a short post used to protect a perimeter and act as a crash barrier that can withstand the force of a large moving vehicle. They’re a very common sight around government buildings throughout the city.
With previous support from the Georgetown-Burleith Advisory Neighborhood Commission — ANC 2E — and several other groups for bollards, along with grant funding from the Department of Homeland Security, the District Department of Transportation’s (DDOT) Public Space Committee deemed it aesthetically better to install benches and bike racks instead.
At the ANC 2E January meeting, commissioners noted that antisemitism remains at a historic high — and that safety is a valid concern and any further delays impose an unnecessary risk on the synagogue and its Georgetown neighbors. The commission motioned unanimously in favor of reiterating its support of the bollards to DDOT and will send a copy of the motion to the Anti-Defamation League.
DDOT is deliberately missing the point. The synagogue’s not looking to enhance its aesthetics. It’s asking for protection from situations like this: https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/15/us/colleyville-texas-hostage-situation/index.html