Editorial: Honoring The Women of Georgetown
By March 8, 2023 One Comment 1458
•Today, March 8, we honor International Women’s Day.
By presidential proclamation, the month of March is also designated every year as Women’s History Month. This time is set aside to honor women’s contributions to American history. Of course, boundless offerings flow from women in history, the sciences, literature, the arts, pop culture and more. But we wish to celebrate the many contributions women are providing in our community right now and the hurdles women have had to leap to take on such roles.
Hurdles? Our publicist, Sonya Bernhardt, quizzed our news team about which year we thought women in the United States were guaranteed by law to be allowed to hold their own checking accounts. The answer: 1974.
Today Georgetown is blessed to have women in leadership from the grassroots all the way to Mayor Bowser’s office. Mayor Bowser is the first woman elected to more than two terms in the highest political office in the city. On the D.C. Council, Ward 2 is admirably represented by Council member Brooke Pinto, who was sworn in on June 27, 2020 becoming the youngest member ever elected to the body and the first woman ever to represent our ward. Our local Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC2E) is also now chaired dynamically by Elizabeth Miller (2E07).
Over at the Citizens Association of Georgetown, Board President Tara Sakraida Parker and recently appointed Executive Director Brittany Sawyer serve to honor and recognize Georgetown’s unique role as an historic village where true community still exists. At Georgetown Heritage, Jennifer Romm serves as president, presiding last year over the launch of Georgetown’s new canal boat. Helping our business corridors thrive, Georgetown Main Street has two energetic women leaders in Board Chair Melanie Hayes and Executive Director Rachel Shank. Lisa Fager, executive director of the Mount Zion-Female Union Band Society Historic Park Foundation, also known as the Black Georgetown Foundation, works tirelessly to oversee the mission of the foundation to preserve, re-imagine and maintain care of the sacred space. Lynn Golub-Rofrano, founding executive director of Georgetown Village embraces the concept of Neighbors Helping Neighbors and has presided over the expansion of this volunteer-based haven for Georgetown seniors. Kelly Andreae, executive director of Georgetown Ministry Center presides over the community’s most extensive inter-denominational efforts to serve those experiencing homelessness in our area.
And we don’t have room enough here to mention all the women leading small businesses, galleries, restaurants, studios, and other vital areas of our Georgetown community.
In this month’s edition, we feature interviews with Georgetown women who work in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) fields.
All these intrepid women in our community help preserve, protect and enrich our neighborhoods and keep Georgetown so wonderful – all while shattering the glass ceiling.
You forgot our amazing ANC Commissioner Gwen Lohse! Dynamic and wonderful leader, she does an amazing job for us in Georgetown!