Celebrating Presidents’ Day, Washington’s Birthday at Mount Vernon
By February 20, 2024 One Comment 1024
Mount Vernon will celebrate our first president, George Washington, on Feb. 22, (which would have been his 292nd birthday) with free admission. The day will begin at 9:30 a.m. with Half Crown Bakehouse making Washington’s favorite breakfast of hoecakes. At 10:30 a.m., Music of the Revolution will sound on the bowling green.
One of the most moving and important parts of the day is an 11 a.m. Naturalization Ceremony at the Ford Orientation Center’s Smith Theater. Men and women from all over the world will become U.S. citizens.
Don’t miss free slices of cake in the Vaughan Lobby while supplies last and end the day with a midafternoon concert with the United States Air Force Strings at the Smith Auditorium. All day, children are welcome to create a birthday card for President Washington on the bowling green from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Weather permitting, food truck concessions will be parked on the 12-acre field.
See below for photos from the Presidents’ Day celebration at Mount Vernon last weekend. Photos are courtesy of Mount Vernon.
What historical significance does Mount Vernon hold in commemorating Presidents’ Day and Washington’s Birthday celebrations?