‘The Age of Innocence’ at Arena Stage
Delight in Cherry Blossom Specials & Events Around Town
Weekend Roundup: March 13-16
Real Estate
March Le Decor: Tickled Pink with a Splash of Mocha
Glass Houses: Jessica and Ezra Glass
Democrats Open Unconventional Convention
August 17, 2020
•D.C. events include a kickoff at 6:30 p.m. with former Georgia Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, and the opening event at 7:30 p.m. with former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and Mayor Muriel Bowser.
Super Tuesday Was a Real ‘Horse Race’ After All
March 4, 2020
•What’s Left After Biden’s Stunning Super Tuesday Wins? Super Tuesday — March 3, when 14 states held their Democratic primary elections for President of the United States — actually resembled […]
Viral News Makes for a Super-Simultaneous Monday
March 2, 2020
•In this administration, we have been living in the age of the simultaneous, with everything of note and of little note raining down on us, it seems, all of the time.
After Brawl of a Debate, Dems Ponder
February 20, 2020
•On Feb. 19, the crowd watching at the Woman’s National Democratic Club was subdued, serious, intently listening. There were no exuberant reactions.
Democratic Women: Following Debates, Ready to March
January 16, 2020
•While watching the debate, many at the Woman’s National Democratic Club drew and colored-in large posters that they planned to take to the third annual Women’s March on Saturday.
Politics, Impeachment Are Heating Up
The looming impeachment process slowly swallowed up everything else. Formally, that occurred with the delivery, on Thursday, of the two articles of impeachment against President Trump.
A Parade of Presidential Candidates
August 1, 2019
•In our columnist’s opinion, what’s most impressive about both sets of debates was essentially the Democratic Party’s calling card, warts and all.
The Dems Debate: Round One
June 27, 2019
•The spectacle — and it was a spectacle — was illuminating, confusing and entirely a part of the times we live in, in which politics has invaded our daily lives.
Capitol Newspeg: Majority, Diversity, Civility
October 15, 2018
•What would happen if the majority changes in the House? Plus different ways to approach diversity on the Supreme Court and when and where incivility is apparently okay.
The Mighty Have Fallen — Some of Them
November 30, 2017
•The sheer numbers of accused and accusers and the strength of the sexual harassment scandals — launching a #metoo wave on social media — seem to be having a hopeful and surprising result.