News & Politics
Crime: ‘Secure DC Omnibus’ Crime Package Clears D.C. Council; Georgetown Spa Robbery
Black History Month Celebrated, Explored in Holy Trinity, Citizens Association Event
News & Politics
Crime: Omnibus Crime Bill Up for Vote; Carjacking Victim Mourned in Georgetown
News & Politics
Crime: Rash of Car Vandalism in Woodley Park; Georgetown Rabbi Attacked; DOJ Intervenes on D.C. Crime
Black History: Casting Back a Century in Washington, D.C.
Georgetown Main Street Is Helping the Wisconsin Ave. Corridor Thrive
November 11, 2020
•With newly elected leadership, the group is seeking not only to expand direct grants and services to businesses but to rejuvenate adjoining neighborhoods by “connecting communities.”
Georgetown Commercial Real Estate Shifts to Smaller, More Vibrant Start-Ups
September 17, 2020
•As national-brand retailers declare bankruptcy across the United States and the coronavirus pandemic has triggered the worst economic contraction since the Great Depression, the commercial real estate sector in Georgetown […]
Virtual Learning Is Here to Stay
August 13, 2020
•“There’s been more experimentation with pedagogy in the last five months at Georgetown than in the last 200 years.” — Douglas Reed of Georgetown University As the nation grapples with […]
Brooke Pinto’s ‘Business Perspective’
August 10, 2020
•As the youngest District Council member ever elected and the first woman to represent Ward 2, Democrat Brooke Pinto, 28, is off to a running start.
Bike Fever
July 15, 2020
•FIGHTING PANDEMIC STRESS, D.C. RESIDENTS TAKE TO 2 WHEELS As the summer sunshine glows, a resurgence of bike fever has hit the residents of the nation’s capital. Renewed interest in biking in the bright open air, after months of pandemic lockdown, has spiked demand at local bike shops, which are struggling to maintain inventories as their global supply chains hit bottlenecks. Fortunately, for those seeking solace in the joys of recreational or commuter bicycling, Washington, D.C. — home to hundreds of miles of vaunted scenic bike trails — continues […]
Deli’s Plans Perk Up Students, Residents
June 29, 2020
•The bright pink corner store at 35th and O Streets NW — a local Instagram icon — will soon be transformed into Call Your Mother: A Jew-ish Deli.