Allegany County FairgroundsDelFest, the annual bluegrass, jamgrass, and Americana festival that happens in Cumberland, MD. Cumberland, MD is centrally located for an easy drive: 2.5 hours from DC This year, the […]
Note: All submitted events must be approved before they appear in the calendar.
DelFest, the annual bluegrass, jamgrass, and Americana festival that happens in Cumberland, MD. Cumberland, MD is centrally located for an easy drive: 2.5 hours from DC This year, the […]
Celebrate 15 years of the Atlas by enjoying 20+ art performances over 3 weekends! Come see some of our region’s best performing artists as a celebration of the arts on […]
Join us as we Celebrate DC Music and Culture. The Home Rule Music Festival is a family-friendly event that focuses on the music and culture of Washington, DC. We’ll have an amazing day that includes a Record Fair, the best food trucks and craft beverages, and music with performances by Black Fire artist Plunky & […]
In 2023, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival celebrates diverse American cultures through two programs: Creative Encounters: Living Religions in the U.S. and The Ozarks: Faces and Facets of a Region. As always, the Festival invites visitors to participate in music and dance performances, hands-on activities, craft workshops, conversations, and cooking and gardening demonstrations. Hours are generally […]
FEEL THE POWER OF THE TRINITY! THE AUTHENTIC DMV CARIBBEAN FOOD WINE & MUSIC EXPERIENCE TRINITY FEST Wine Jerk & Reggae Festival is an Authentic Caribbean event aimed at creating […]
Award-winning French harpsichordist Justin Taylor performs music by J.S. Bach and his Italian contemporaries whose brilliance intrigued and stimulated Bach to compose some works in their vibrant, sparkling 'Italian Style'. This is gorgeous, lyrical music, some featured in Justin Taylor's recent blockbuster album 'Bach&l'Italie'. Don't miss this opportunity to hear this young star perform this […]
Join us for an evening of exquisite music performed by world-renowned French harpsichordist Christophe Rousset. He plays elegant, charming works of the French High Baroque by François Couperin, J-B. Antoine Forqueray, and Nicolas Pancrace Royer. This will be a glorious concert held in the lovely setting of the Embassy of France - La Maison Française!