Georgetown Biz Group Honors 2012 Achievers, Affirms 2013 Officers

December 20, 2012

The Georgetown Business Association held its Annual Meeting and Holiday Soiree at Dumbarton House Dec. 12, affirming its 2013 officers and board and honoring individuals and businesses.

The 2013 GBA officers are Riyad Said, president (Wells Fargo); Janine Schoonover, vice president (JSW Group); Karen Ohri, treasurer (Georgetown Floorcovering); Molly Quigley, secretary (Clyde’s Restaurant Group).

Outgoing GBA president Rokas Beresniovas reviewed 2012’s work: revised bylaws, partnerships with Georgetown-based businesses and a wider marketing effort. Along with new events like the candidates’ forum and the Financial Policy Institute seminar, Beresniovas said that the customary senior advisory luncheon will be relaunched in spring 2013 with some changes. The new GBA president Riyad Said thanked Beresniovas and said his last name was easier to pronounce. GBA vice president Janie Schoonover spoke of GBA’s ability to lobby the government as well as zoning and parking.

Schoonover also led a moment of silence with the audience to remember Curtin Winsor, chair of the Bank of Georgetown, who died suddenly Dec. 11.

Proud to be thanking the crowd was one of the communitarians of the year, Terry Bell of Salon Ilo, whose latest charitable effort was a Dec. 5 Kitty Kelley booksigning, a fundraiser for the D.C. Public Library Foundation and Friends of the Georgetown Public Library.

Business person of the year Zubair Popal, whose Malmaison at 34th and K Streets will open in January, recalled his journey from Afghanistan to the D.C. area and noted that his children went to Georgetown University and George Washington University. Popal assured that his new restaurant would exude “traditional Afghan hospitality.”

Said called Linda Greenan’s lifetime achievement award a “half-life award,” as he expected she had a lot more to do beyond her last GBA board meeting.

Georgetown resident, Iraq War veteran and a bronze star recipient, Army Major David Alexander, was introduced by GBA board member Ed Solomon, who is also an advisory neighborhood commissioner. The major’s father, Sam Alexander, was also in attendance. The Alexander family has owned several local properties, one of which on P Street was rented by a young John F. Kennedy, a representative in Congress at the time.

Ward 2 Councilman Jack Evans proclaimed D.C. the “most dynamic city in America” and welcomed At-large Councilman Vincent Orange to close the meeting. Orange thanked his Georgetown voters and said, “The Evans-Orange team is back.”

The following recipients were honored at the ceremony:

= 2012 Joe Pozell Public Safety Award was presented to Officer Antonial Atkins and Officer Kathryn Fitzgerald, both of the Metropolitan Police Department’s 2nd District.

= 2012 The Art Schultz Communitarian Award was presented to Salon Ilo owner Terry Bell and to Rose Park community activist David Abrams.

= 2012 Business Person of the Year was presented to owner of Cafe Bonaparte, Napoleon and the new Malmaison in Georgetown, Zubair Popal.

= 2012 Business of the Year was presented to the historic George Town Club.

= 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to recently retired Georgetown University Associate Vice President for External Relations, Linda Greenan.

The soiree, sponsored by Fox Ventures, SugarPlum Tents, Atlantic Valet and Dumbarton House, featured a specialty cocktail menu, ample and heavy hors d’ oeuvres and a night of dancing after the award ceremony. Many members and visitors stuck around chatting and complemented the food, drinks and music — as well as the cool vibe of the evening.

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Curtin Winsor, Bank of Georgetown Co-Founder, Dies

Curtin Winsor III, executive chairman of the Bank of Georgetown, died Dec. 11, the Washington Business Journal first reported. He died of a heart attack in Arlington. A funeral service is scheduled for Dec. 17 at Christ Church at 31st and O Streets, with burial at Oak Hill Cemetery, according to Carol Joynt.

Born and raised in D.C., the 49-year-old Winsor lived with his wife Deborah and three daughter on 34th Street. Their home was the site of the 2010 Georgetown House Tour Patron’s Party and was once occupied by Ambassador David Bruce and his wife Evangeline. Winsor was a board member of the Georgetown Business Improvement District.

Here is additional biographical information from the Bank of Georgetown website:

Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Winsor has had an active role in the area’s financial and philanthropic communities for more than 20 years. In 2005, he founded Bank of Georgetown with Michael Fitzgerald. Prior to that, Winsor was a principal and founding partner of Columbia Partners Investment Management, LLC, a registered investment advisory firm managing in excess of $3 billion in equities for pension funds, endowments and high net worth individuals.

In addition to serving as chairman of the bank, Winsor sits on the Board of Directors or has an advisory role with several hedge funds and investment partnerships. He is also a member and Trustee of the W.H. Donner Foundation in New York City and the Donner Canadian Foundation in Toronto, Canada, for which he oversees the respective foundations’ investment portfolios and program development areas.

Winsor is very active in civic and charitable causes in the Washington, D.C., area and serves as a trustee of the National Taxpayers Union; the National Taxpayers Union Foundation; the Starlight-Starbright Children’s Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Chapter; Georgetown Business Improvement District; and the Washington Scholarship Fund, where he serves on the executive committee. He is also a trustee of the Washington Opera. [gallery ids="101102,138173" nav="thumbs"]

America Mourns

President Barack Obama ordered that all flags at government buildings, military installations and naval vessels be flown at half-staff through Tuesday, Dec. 18, at sunset, in honor of those massacred at a Connecticut elementary school Dec. 14. The dead included 20 children.

The following is part the president’s remarks on Friday afternoon, Dec. 14:

“The majority of those who died today were children — beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. They had their entire lives ahead of them — birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. Among the fallen were also teachers — men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams.

“So, our hearts are broken today — for the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers of these little children, and for the families of the adults who were lost. Our hearts are broken for the parents of the survivors as well, for as blessed as they are to have their children home tonight, they know that their children’s innocence has been torn away from them too early, and there are no words that will ease their pain.

“. . . While nothing can fill the space of a lost child or loved one, all of us can extend a hand to those in need — to remind them that we are there for them, that we are praying for them, that the love they felt for those they lost endures not just in their memories but also in ours.

“May God bless the memory of the victims and, in the words of Scripture, heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.”

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, also ordered flags at the U.S. Capitol lowered to half-staff in honor of those massacred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Dec. 14.

The photo shown of a lowered flag at the U.S. Capitol was taken by photographer Jeff Malet on Friday, Dec. 14, 8 p.m. The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree in the foreground came from a nation forest as a gift from Colorado.

If you have a flag on your property or home, we encourage you to lower it to half-staff. [gallery ids="101107,138291,138286,138281" nav="thumbs"]

Massacre at Newtown: A Defining Moment for America

It seems to me that there were so many things on our mind before last Friday afternoon. The newspapers and television news and blogs were full of talk about the approaching appointment with the Fiscal Cliff. We buzzed here locally about who was going to start at quarterback for the Washington Redskins on Sunday—and who was going to be the next Secretary of State, this town being what it is.

People were out Christmas shopping. The streets and many shops were clogged, and the highways were full of irritations. Burl Ives once again ruled with his Christmas song on the radio, and people had already folded in a shooting-with-casualties at a mall in Oregon as if it was the latest among many such horrors that were now part of our daily lives. We were getting used to news like that.

On AOL news in the early afternoon, there was a vague, undetailed reference to gunfire at a school in Connecticut, and that the shooter was dead. I saw it briefly, it nagged at me as a kind of “another one already,” and I promptly forgot about it.

About an hour later—precision was not the mainstay of the day—that little note had become a big headline: 28 or 27 dead in elementary school shooting; 18 children dead. (It ended up to be 20 children dead). I stared at the headline, and there was a picture of I don’t remember what. The numbers were staggering, shocking, almost impossible to take in. And so that day truly began, and we were swallowed up in it whole.

The details only got worse: 20 children, ages six and seven, more girls than boys, and six teachers and administrators had been killed, gunned down by a young man armed with an assault rifle and more in the space of a few minutes at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., a small (27,000 plus) commuter town were such monstrosities are never imagined even in the darkest of nights.

Initially, the story emerged in half-truths and confusion, misinformation that seemed to be coming from the shock and fog of a kind of war in which small children and their protectors were the victims of an act, which so far defied any real clues as to motivation and appeared to be beyond understanding.

It pinned us all to our hearts, as we watched and listened. I think and suspect that even in our sleep we saw the children, all the children we knew and thought about them, and embraced them and comforted them and tried to save them in a dream we never dreamt. We saw anguished parents rushing to the parking lot of the school, as if driven by demons. We saw children rushing out. We heard conflicting information about the killer, first misidentified as his brother, and about his mother, who was first believed to be a kindergarten teacher at Sandy Hook, but turned out to have no connection to the school. She was killed by her son in the home she shared with him before he embarked with grim purpose on his journey to the school, dressed in video death game black, armed with two handguns and the semi-automatic weapon.

His name was Adam Lanza and his mother’s name was Nancy. He killed himself when he heard approaching policemen enter the school, but he had enough ammunition to do much more damage than he did. What he did was bad enough. Just days before Christmas, he robbed parents of their children, and everyone else’s hopes for the season.

No point in dwelling on him, beyond the morbid curiosity that sparks such interest. I remembered my son, now in his forties and living in Las Vegas, when he was that age. I still remember how it felt when he bit his tongue in a spatter of blood when he was only two or so, and how for some seconds, I could not breathe. I could only imagine the pain of the parents—because when your children are that young, you want them first and ever to be safe and because you think a breath will knock them down. A paper cut looks like tragedy, and you love them more than yourself.

Immediately, the television chorus read the litany of other names—Aurora, Colo., the shootings at Fort Hood, the killings at Columbine, the precursor of every shot fired in calculated madness on school grounds, the killings at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, at McDonald’s, in work places, in parking lots and malls.

But this . . . this man targeted children, the children of Newtown, to be sure, but all our children, just the same. I live now in a neighborhood of new children, if you will, there’s been a baby boom of new young parents in the last decade. I’ve seen a generation growing up, from the ground up, so to speak—a new baby across the street. Samantha and her dog Edith down the street, Patrick around the corner and all the kids at the daycare center. I thought about them through the weekend.

The tragedy was a reminder that the President of the United States is a parent as well as a president, no more so than in his initial reaction to the tragedy, when he was speaking of the children and said “they were beautiful little kids.” He stopped, for a few second obviously stricken. It made headlines on the news—the president cried.

We all did, in one way or another. We forgot ourselves and thought of others, what consolation might come and when. And in the chronicles of the Newtown Bee, the local newspaper, there were tales of vigils, and pictures of stuffed animals, and glasses with candles, and services and memories of the victims, and the heroic sacrifices of the teachers and the first responders. All of this has been chronicled and don’t bear repeating by me, but none of it will be forgotten.

And now—and if not now, then when?—the debate, the cry for legislation, for gun safety, for a great national debate, or even—with great hope—a grass roots, parent-led movement that might take on our culture which has variously been called a culture of violence, guns or death. It should include from the view of non-but-not-un-Americans a puzzlement at this country’s attachment to guns, its almost defiant embrace of shooting targets, beer cans, critters and human beings—or as one congressman from Texas suggested that if the principal of the school had had an automatic pistol, she could have blown his head off.

This we know: the National Rifle Association, somewhat like a Grover Norquist on no tax increases, have a mysterious power to exact political allegiance on pain of losing elections in support of the right to bear arms, which not coincidentally benefits the manufacturers of guns enormously. We know for a fact that we lead the world in mass shootings, and homicides by gun, automatic or otherwise. We know that as the president and any number of people of good will have said in the wake of this slaying, that “enough is enough.” It is not “guns don’t kill people, people kill people, or even people with mental problems kill people.” Every person who has slaughtered others is different from every other person who has slaughtered people—they lost their jobs, they have been diagnosed as mentally ill, they’re seeking fame, they’re loners, they hate (the U.S., the country, the people that bullied them, their girlfriends, their employees, Batman and Robin, pick one). But they all have one thing in common: they killed numerous people and in this last case, innocent children, with guns. Look for the connection, and there it is, the pop pop sound at various volumes and speeds of guns.

How sad is this, that children should leave their blood in classrooms. How sad are these days: from the pulpit at the Washington National Cathedral, a minister called for action, and children in Christmas red sang “Silent Night” at a TV show’s opening and in a Newtown church fathers hugged their children who hugged their stuffed animals.

Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra said at the service that “it is a defining moment for Newtown but it will not define us.”

It is a defining moment for the rest of us, also, and what we do—or fail to do—will define us.

Sprig & Sprout Shuts Down Temporarily — to Improve

December 13, 2012

Well, this is refreshing: a restaurant gives itself a bad review — and plans to re-open as a better operation.

After experiencing unmanageably large amounts of customers and order on its opening day, the new Pho and Viet sandwich shop Sprig and Sprout on Wisconsin Avenue in Glover Park near Whole Foods closed it doors until Friday while it reassesses the way it runs its business.

Sprig and Sprout on Monday and was unable keep up with the high volume of customers, causing them to temporarily close in order to reassess just one day after their initial opening.

“Boo,” commented Ri Das on the Sprig and Sprout Facebook page, “After all that waiting you guys ran out of food before we could order. If you had answered your phone, could have at least saved us the trip.”

However, in spite of these initial hiccups, many people have positive things to say about Sprig and Sprout, and support for the restaurant seems to be strong.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day!” said Diana McLaughlin Forbes said on Facebook, “You’ll get it right, and soon. Good luck Friday!”

People also praised the business’s transparency and quality of food. Starting on Friday, Sprig and Sprout will re-open with limited hours.

“It’s going to take a few weeks for us to get better and find our groove, so instead of jumping into the deep end we are going to get in slowly,” the owners explained on Facebook.

The restaurant, located at 2317 Wisconsin Ave., NW, has posted new hours:

Friday, lunch only, 11 a.m to 4 p.m.
Saturday, dinner only, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Sunday, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

The Georgetowner’s Holiday Benefit & Bazaar 2012

December 11, 2012

Join us for a Golden Opportunity to give with an evening of shopping and holiday cheer as we honor and support a Gold Star in the Community:

The Georgetown Senior Center

Shop for unique gifts from select vendors.Warm your senses with seasonal cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Gather in the joy of giving this holiday season.


Tickets can now only be purchased at the door for $65


Lolly Amons | Joe Clarke | Michele Conley | Michele Evans | Jade Floyd | Jeanne Jennings

KristaJohnson | Cami Mazard | Victoria Michael |Nancy Miyahira | Bob Pincus | Lesley Steiner


Ella Rue | Queen Bee Jewelry | Sentsy | Ibhana | Georgetown Tobacco | Traci Lynn Jewelry

Kamisol Accessories | J McLaughlin | Georgetown Paperie | Homayoun Yershalmi | Stella & Dot |Chloe and Isabel

Cocktail Attire or “Golden Best”

Cocktails provided by Beam Global Spirits

Georgetown Ministries Coat Drive Location

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Georgetown Begins and Brightens Its Season’s Greetings

The oldest neighborhood in Washington, D.C., now sports the newest and largest ice skating rink in the region at Washington Harbour down by the Potomac River. Along with its festive store fronts and nicely lighted homes, the intersection at Wisconsin Avenue and M Street is also sporting an illuminated ornament and bows above the traffic.

The rink is the latest addition to Georgetown, which has traditionally decked itself stylishly for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice and New Year’s Eve. Whether business receptions, parties or persons meeting at a restaurant after shopping, Georgetown has been the place to meet for decades. This year, the venues have only apped up their seasonal cheer and flair.

The ice skating rink at Washington Harbour held its own inauguration of sorts Dec. 1 with strolling entertainers, ice skating performances, choral singers, a St. Lucia procession and lighting effects, along with special food and beverages served outdoors by Washington Harbour restaurants. At 11,800 square feet, the Washington Harbour ice rink is D.C.’s largest outdoor ice skating venue, larger than New York City’s Rockefeller Center rink. It is managed by the complex’s owner, MRP Realty. The rink will be open through February for recreational skating every day, including all holidays. For more information, visit

The House of Sweden added to Saturday’s with female singers performing a St. Lucia procession from the embassy to the steps and dockside in front of the ice rink. Among the weekend’s Yuletide cheer was a wreath-making workshop at Tudor Place. Santa Claus came to Volta Park on the morning of Dec. 2, and St. John’s Church held its American Boychoir: Family Christmas Concert.

And there are, of course, many parties and family get-togethers to come. [gallery ids="101080,137335,137308,137329,137324,137320,137314" nav="thumbs"]

Metro Extends Hours for Redskins-Giants Game

The Washington Redskins will meet the Super Bowl champions New York Giants at FedEx Field in a few hours. The Redskins, who have not won a Monday night since September 2007, first played the Giants in October 1932. Theirs is the oldest rivalry in the NFC East Division. The hometown fans are up for the game, however, and will get more time to get home with extended Metrorail times.

Here’s a media alert from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority:

Metrorail will stay open an additional hour on Monday, Dec. 3, to accommodate the crowds expected to attend the Washington Redskins Monday Night Football game at FedEx Field.

Fans leaving FedEx Field for Morgan Boulevard station will find the last Blue Line train headed toward Franconia-Springfield at 12:25 a.m., and the last Blue Line train to Largo Town Center at 1:33 a.m.

Customers will be able to make connections to other lines as follows:

= Orange Line – transfer at Stadium-Armory

= Green or Yellow line – transfer at L’Enfant Plaza

= Red Line – transfer at Metro Center

Entrances at all other Metro stations will close at their normal times, but customers will be able to exit at all stations during the additional hour of service.

The extended Metrorail service is funded by an agreement with the Washington Redskins.

Deck the Halls, Forget the Malls Window Competition

Georgetown. It’s More Than Window Shopping. It’s Home.


The Georgetown Media Group continues its annual tradition of picking the best holiday window display in town. Its expert panel — architects, artists, business persons, editors, photographers and
writers — will determine the winner and publish a cover image of the winner’s window in the December 12th Georgetowner. Have your window grab the frontpage this year.

So, who has the best seasonal window display for their store this Christmastime? Judges will soon hit the streets of Georgetown. Email if you think a certain shop’s window deserves a good look.

Windows are being reviewed “Project Runway” style – up to four materials of the store’s choice can be used to create a unique holiday window. Windows are required to be decorated Dec. 1 through 25. Photos of the windows will be posted on the Georgetown BID’s official Georgetown Facebook page from Dec. 3, and Facebook fans will be asked to select their favorite windows through Dec. 16. The window with the greatest amount of Facebook fan ‘Likes’ will win.

Georgetown: Shop Local, Buy Local.

December 10, 2012

Shop close to home, and enjoy the historic neighborhood. There are more than 450 places where you can shop or eat, according to the Georgetown Business Improvement District, which has brightened up at the center of Wisconsin Avenue and M Street with an illuminated ornament with ribbons floating above the traffic. The silver Christmas trees shine at the eastern and western edges of our town. The street lamps are decks with evergreens and lights. It is a great place to shop, and stop for lunch or dinner after shopping. Some business owners have already notices an increase in gift buying this year, compared to 2011.

“Deck the Halls. Forget the Malls” is this season’s slogan by the Georgetown BID, which offers free rides for shoppers on Saturdays. “Getting around Georgetown is easy and fun this holiday season. Hop into a pedicab and cruise to your favorite Georgetown shops. Complimentary pedicab rides will be available every Saturday from Nov. 24 through Dec. 15, noon to 5 p.m.”

Take time to take it all in. We live in a special place. Walk through your town and your city, and see the world refreshed by the joys and wishes of this season. And shop in Georgetown, D.C.