Romney Looks to Wisconsin Avenue to Help Afford His Election

September 24, 2012

In the midst of what is inarguably the worst week of the Romney campaign, the name of our historic district has peppering the articles extolling the debt of the Romney campaign. Tuesday night the National Review Online reported the $20 million loan taken by the Romney camp from the Bank of Georgetown. Confirmed by a senior campaign official, the loan addressed the problem of pre-nomination Federal Election Commission rules.

As the primary election donation dollars supporting Romney began to dry up, the Romney campaign found themselves an opportunity to borrow quick cash from the Bank of Georgetown. The official and unofficial expenses of the Republican National Convention itself totaled to over $55 million, and though the Romney campaign continued to boastfully out fund President Obama, the presumed nominee took advantage of the line of credit it held at the Bank of Georgetown.

“We took advantage of the law as it exists to secure this line of credit,” a senior Romney aide said in an exclusive National Review Online interview. “We realized that we could collateralize this debt with $20 million of general election funds that were already sitting in our bank account.”

While Romney has now paid back $9 million of the loan, the news of the federal election report depicting the campaign in a debt of $15 million comes after the slight lead in fundraising by the Democratic National Committee and Obama’s re-election campaign. Last month, Romney raised $111.6 million, coming just under Obama’s $114 million.

As the official nominee, Romney will now undoubtedly have little difficulty allaying doubts about the financial status of his campaign for election. Yet as headlines spell out doom and the need for a re-boot on the campaign, perhaps the Romney campaign may find itself returning to our neighborhood bank once more.

Georgetown Lines Up for a ‘Mindy-cure’

Georgetown women were treated to a little pampering Thursday afternoon, Sept. 20, all in promotion for Fox’s new fall show, “The Mindy Project.” “Mindy’s Mobile Makeovers” was set up at Washington Harbour on K Street from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., providing free blowouts and manicures in a mobile salon vehicle.

Bearing the slogan, “For everyone whose life is a work in progress,” the mobile unit held a salon chair for hair, and two stations for “Mindy-cures,” given by nail polish technicians, using the O.P.I. brand. The polishes for manicures were custom-limited editions, inspired by Mindy Kaling herself. Free coffee mugs and pink scrubs with “Mindy” in sparkling lettering (the character is a doctor) were given to those in the long line.

The mobile makeover unit is making its East Coast tour, with a separate tour on the West Coast. Tomorrow, the vehicle will make a stop in Philadelphia, followed by stops in New York and Boston on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Emmy Award-nominated actress and author Mindy Kaling, best known as Kelly Kapoor on NBC’s “The Office,” created, wrote, executively produces and stars in the series. “The Mindy Project.” chronicles the life of Mindy Lahiri, M.D., struggling to balance her personal life and successful career. The show premieres Sept. 25, at 9:30 p.m. on Fox.
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Weekend Roundup September 20, 2012

Music and Dance Around the World Benefit Concert

September 22nd, 2012 at 06:00 PM | $30 | Event Website

The Rainbow of Hope for the Street Children of Bolivia is hoisting a benefit concert entitled Music and Dance from Around the World on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at the Ellington Theatre (3500 R Street, NW) in Washington, DC – Tickets are only $30 and $45 and parking is FREE! All ticket holders will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win an IPad3 and a Mamani Mamani painting.


Ellington Theatre 3500 R Street, NW

Letelier Theater CAN Film Screenings

September 21st, 2012 at 06:30 PM | $10 | | Tel: 818-353-8399 | Event Website

Coalition Against Nukes Film Screenings

Fri, September 21, 2012, 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM

As part of the three day rally in Washington, DC, Coalition Against Nukes is sponsoring film screenings of ‘Atomic States of America’ and ‘Radioactivists’ followed by a discussion.


Letelier Theater, 3251 Prospect Street NW

Project Santaranta: Building Dreams

September 22nd, 2012 at 11:00 AM | Free entrance | Event Website

Photo Exhibition of Eric Lloyd Wright’s only work in Europe at the Embassy of Finland.

The exhibit will be on display at the Embassy of Finland, Saturdays and Sundays, September 22-30 throughout Architecture Week 2012.

3301 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington Nationals 4th Annual Pups in the Park

September 22nd, 2012 at 01:05 AM | $22 – Owner Ticket $8 – Dog Ticket | | Tel: 202.640.7649 | Event Website

$22 – Owner Ticket (Outfield Reserved section 140-143, access to the Picnic Area Pup Zone)
$8 – Dog Ticket (proceeds benefit the Washington Humane Society)
All those with tickets purchased for Pups in the Park must enter through the RIGHT FIELD GATE. Upon entering the gate you must drop off a signed waiver form for your dog’s up-to-date shots and vaccinations.
Tickets must be purchased in advance; subject to availability


Nationals Park located at 1500 South Capitol Street SE, directly off the Navy Yard-Green Line Metro stop. For Parking information, please visit

Symposium, NSLM Polo Cup, and Exhibition

September 22nd, 2012 at 03:00 PM | | Tel: 540-687-6542 | Event Website

The National Sporting Library and Museum will host two major events on the weekend of September 22 and 23, 2012. The first will be a Symposium held on Saturday in the Founders’ Room of the Library from 3:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. The second will be a Polo Cup Match and Luncheon fundraiser on Sunday that will take place at the Virginia International Polo Club in Upperville, Virginia.


The National Sporting Library and Museum, Virginia International Polo Club in Upperville, Virginia.

Reflections: Photo Sale and Fundraiser for Clean Water

September 23rd, 2012 at 05:00 PM | | Tel: 2026817681 | Event Website

Join us for “Reflections,” a photo sale and fundraiser to celebrate clean water and river conservation.

Proceeds from the evening will benefit Potomac Riverkeeper.

The event will include light snacks, fresh tonics, music and raffle giveaways, plus a special photo sale, featuring the work of photographers dedicated to using their craft to inspire people to care about our natural water resources.


Patagonia, 1048 Wisconsin Ave. NW

FREE lecture: The Maestro Myth?: The Conductor and the Orchestra

September 24th, 2012 at 03:00 PM | 16:30 | | Tel: 703-910-5161 | Event Website

Have you ever wondered about the role of the conductor? A. Scott Wood will give you an inside look, explaining the history, psychology and purpose of the conductor. The program is jointly sponsored by the Arlington Learning in Retirement Institute and the Arlington County Public Library. ALRI is also affiliated with George Mason University and the Arlington Public Schools Adult Education Program.


Arlington Central Library, 1015 N Quincy Ave, Arlington VA 22201

Mayor’s Arts Awards for Williams, Stevens, Deal and Others

Everybody’s always giving awards. No big deal.

In the case of the 27th Annual Mayor’s Arts Awards Ceremonies at the historic Lincoln Theatre—a half-a-breath away from Ben’s Chili Bowl and its muraled side walls—that’s not true. They are and were a big deal—the breadth and depth of the Washington community’s emerging cultural world were on display and showered with accolades. In fact, the Mayor’s Arts Award is the highest honor in the arts conferred by the District of Columbia.

It’s always easy to point out the winners, the big names represented in lifetime achievement awards, but there’s something larger at work here. Elected officials and the people who run institutions, including the D.C. Commission on the Arts, headed by Judith Terra, all referred to the arts, and how important the arts were to the community, and the state goal of mayors, city councils, commissions, and boards of trustees to reach out and make Washington, D.C., a world-class city in terms of its culture and the arts.

You can get a sense of that movement toward achieving the goal by the variety of groups and individuals present as nominees, participants, achievers and honorees—plus the oft-repeated fact that the arts, like tourists, generate several billion dollars in revenue for the city and make the non-profits a profit-generating engine. Rather than being dissed and first on the list of cuts in a budget, the arts should be perceived as bottom-line enhancing.

An avid hand dance aficionado, Mayor Vincent Gray, former Mayor Anthony Williams and Councilman Jack Evans explained the economic advantages fueled by the arts and how they helped forge a cultural identity for this city that was beginning to rival the likes of New York, San Francisco and Chicago. Happy to be out of office after two successful terms by all appearances, Mayor Williams was one of the city’s great boosters and supporters in the arts. Williams received a special award for “Visionary Leadership.”

Washington is special in its arts identity in the sense that it doesn’t really have such a thing but rather offers a multi-faceted and rich face to the world. You could see it, for instance, in the variety of strong entrants in the Excellence in Artistic Discipline category, in which you had the growing and world-recognized D.C. Jazz Festival, headed by Charlie Fishman; the Embassy Series, Jerome Barry’s unique endeavor in cultural bridge building through music; Step Afrika!, the homegrown dance group that engages the bodies, minds and creativity of young people; The Phillips Collection, the city’s unique collection sparked by the interests and passions of Duncan Phillips and the Thomas Circles Singer. Here is where home-grown and international jazz meets international classical music in embassies, the choral arts, youth emerging in dance and impressionist and modern art on an inviting and original stage. Step Afrika! earned a Mayor’s Award.

Awardee Melvin Deal of African Heritage Dancers and Drummers has instructed and inspired young people in Ward 7 and 8 in African dance and music for more than 30 years and has thus become an example to the community at large, including Step Afrika! and other institutions.

Founder of the American Film Institute, George Stevens, Jr., also founded and produces the Kennedy Center Honors and is the son of the famed Oscar-winning film director George (“Shane,” “A Place in the Sun”) Stevens. A noted director and playwright himself, Stevens was a pioneering presence for the arts in many ways for the Washington community. Instead of settling in New York or Los Angeles, he decided to make his life in Georgetown and Washington and, by his presence, helped pioneer and form the institutions and atmosphere of a world-class cultural center.

Stevens and Deal received lifetime achievement awards.

Other awards included a special award for attorney Paul Jorgensen and awards for Outstanding Contribution to Arts Education (Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop); Outstanding Emerging Artists (the Bohemian Caverns Jazz Orchestra); Excellence in Service to the Arts (Atlas Performing Arts Center); Innovation in the Arts (Art Enables). The Mayor’s Arts Award for teaching went to Kenneth Dickerson, Roosevelt Senior High School, performing arts; Koye Oyediji, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, language arts and Jennifer Sonkin, Caesar Chavez Public Charter School, visual arts.

The awards were hosted by WUSA’s J.C. Hayward, herself something of a Washington institution.

9/11: Getting Past—But Never Getting Over—It

September 21, 2012

You walk out the door.

The sky is blue.

Just as blue.

And because today is Tuesday, September 11, you remember that blue sky, because you’ve seen it on another Tuesday, on another September 11, blue skies, nothing but blue skies.

You remember the day, where you lived and live still, what you did, how the day went, what happened that day, and how the world has changed since, going right along to now.

All you’ve got is your own memories, it’s all everyone has. Human history is full of tragedy, losses too great to take in, violence that continues to defy the imagination, murder most foul, nature most rampantly destructive, but somehow 9/11 seems a unique event, not in terms of scale or numbers, but in terms of its singularity and its transformative power.

I came to the United States from Germany as a ten-year-old in 1952 and was plunked into a northern Ohio steel town, the Midwest, as opposed to the Wild West. I tell everybody that my first childhood memory is of American tanks coming into my hometown of Munich, a city 50 percent of which had been destroyed in bombing raids, including an apartment house next door to where I lived. In World War II, 3,000 dead was a normal day, civilians or otherwise. It hardly registered in the annals of the time, except of course to those who lost their homes and lives and friends and relatives. Death by destruction, fire and explosion were common place in cities like Munich or Berlin.

I mention this not in sorrow or anger, but rather to give 9/11 its scale and exceptionality. In terms of numbers, it was small, but it was seen by millions. In terms of impact in these our full-communication modern times, it was huge. In contemporary times, it was the kind of destructive event, caused by a suicidal, fanatical enemy, we had never seen before. Our hearts and minds refused at first to accept it and to understand it, because, in some ways, it was unknowable. In spite of all that’s happened since, it remains a mystery, a black hole in our national experience.

On a clear blue day, like this current Tuesday, I boarded a 42 bus from Columbia Road to see a photography exhibition on disappearing spaces and places. I had no cell phone, and I forgot my camera. I had not turned on my computer that morning, a break of ritual I sometimes think about to this day. It was a Tuesday, with no worries.

At Farragut Square near the White House, the streets suddenly seemed fuller than usual, and almost everybody in the street was talking into a cell phone. I got off the bus there and heard only fragments of phrases as people rushed out of buildings. I asked a policeman near the White House what was up. “Two planes hit the World Trade Center, another just hit the Pentagon, and there may be one heading this way,” he told me in such a non-committal manner, as if reporting a street closing. He pointed to the White House as to where “heading this way” was.

It took me a few moments to take this in because he had no details, and for a second I tried to picture a jet plane crashing into Pennsylvania Avenue. I couldn’t do it. Instead, I started watching people, including attendees at a religious business conference who dropped to their knees on the sidewalk, murmuring prayers for their brethren in New York.

I wandered around, ran into some of my peers in the critics and arts community who also appeared not to know much. I headed toward the Mayflower looking for a phone, hoping for quarters and found people hailing cabs or gathered around a television set, gasping and frozen in awe as one of the towers pancaked to the ground under the shocked gaze of Katie Couric.

The day is a kind of blur for me—I heard a man selling newspapers yelling about “them bastards” and declaring a love of country and a prayer for the safety of President Bush, who was at some point reading a story about a goat to school children in Florida. I called the Georgetowner, and I called home, and I wondered what my mother in Arizona was thinking watching this, or how my son was seeing this in Las Vegas.

Eventually, because there was nothing else to do, as crowds formed to walk home on Connecticut Avenue or Wisconsin Avenue toward Bethesda and Chevy Chase, I joined lines waiting for a 42 bus home. I heard a woman in the hotel say that she was going home to a changed world. I heard a rumor at a CVS about bombs at the State Department, and on a radio, there was talk of a plane crash in a field in Pennsylvania.

We all watched in awe that day and night, all those images of dust and inferno, of the mayor of New York saying that some 300 firemen, policemen and emergency workers had been killed, an impossible number to take in. And he talked about New York going on, and about thousands of body bags and there was a video of a second plane crashing into the second tower and disappearing, into a roar of flames. There were images, later of bodies flying from buildings, unforgettable, our common nightmare and loss.

That was that day: it’s what I remember more vividly than the tanks in Munich because nothing in this world of ours where images, videos, texts and electronic messages invade our daily lives as commonplaces, nothing like this had ever been experienced so vastly and viscerally.

It has been 11 years now, another blue sky. Osama bin Laden is at last dead and ingloriously so. There have been sporadic other attacks in other nations, but Al Qaeda in numbers and size has dwindled under the shadow of constant raids and drones.

There is no victory, of course. President Bush stood tall on a pile of rubble which I instantly recognized as the kind of the rubble in Munich in its grotesque twists of steel and cement. We struck at the Taliban in Afghanistan, eventually, in 2003 invaded Iraq. When Saddam Hussein was captured, I was in Las Vegas, headed for Sun City, Ariz., with my son for a last visit, as it turned out, with my mother. She had for some time now forgotten the immediate present in America and returned occasionally to bombing raids, roundups, the things she didn’t know or remember in the war.

Here in our Adams Morgan neighborhood, I remember a girl sitting on steps across the street lighting a candle on the night of 9/11. Neighbors gathered together a few days later spontaneously and met at the lot where the market sets up shop on Saturdays. We all lit up candles and sang songs from the 1960s like “We Shall Overcome,” families, children, homeowners, renters, bankers, cops and street people alike raising their voices. People from all over the neighborhood signed their names in sorrow to a wall of commemoration and lamentation.

I remember the anthrax scare, and Haz Mat units coming to our neighborhood in their sci-fi outfits. I remember talking to the firemen in Georgetown who had been one of the first on the scene at the Pentagon and their talk of the unbelievable destruction, the smoke, the choking dust and the smell of burnt human flesh.

I remember to this day the photograph that graced our cover the first week, taken by editor Robert Devaney, a fuzzy blur of a shot of smoke coming from the Pentagon. My first reaction to it was that it was blurred a little, my second and lasting one that it captured the moment, confusion and shock, the kind of picture you should not be seeing from where it was taken at Halcyon House on Prospect Street in Georgetown. We had four covers about 9/11 that year, interrupted only by the death of George Harrison, the Beatle of peace, oh, my sweet lord. We talked to firemen and security specialists — and Mayor Anthony Williams who had handled himself with grace and strength in the onrush of events. I remember his talking about not expecting to be a mayor of Washington, D.C., in wartime, and the difficulties of the adjustment and the different qualities of leadership needed for the task.

Time went on, as did the war on Iraq. Disasters have struck with regularity—tsunamis in Indonesia, a horrible earthquake in Haiti, the disaster in Japan, Katrina, and sometimes I thought of James Taylor’s lyrics, coming unbidden—“I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain.” But 9/11 remained in the memory. Saddam Hussein is gone, and so is bin Laden. President Barack Obama is locked in a bitter election campaign against GOP standard bearer Mitt Romney after becoming the first black president in the history of the United States, a singular moment also. We are in the midst of a floundering, struggling economy which has not yet come to a safe place.

So many Tuesdays since –570 plus—not all of them framed by blue skies. The Middle East from where the attack came is now in more turmoil than ever, an Arab spring in which almost every country trembles in fury and loss and fear. The political maps have been rearranged, while we remain in Afghanistan.

There were commemorations Tuesday, and the reading of names once again went out into the clean, sad air. But there was a recessional quality to the events this day—a kind of thing we say about grief and loss in America, the effort to get past things.

On this Tuesday morning, I walked out onto the street under a blue sky as bright as another blue sky 11 years ago. Getting past it, but never getting over it.

Mayor Gray, DDOT Officials, Community Leaders to Celebrate Completion of the O and P Streets Rehab Project

Sept. 18, at 10:30 a.m., in front of Hyde-Addison Elementary School, Mayor Vincent Gray, Ward 2 Councilmember Jack Evans, District Department of Transportation Director Terry Bellamy and local business and community leaders will mark the completion of the O and P Streets Rehabilitation Project, which refurbished historic portions of the streets on the west side of Georgetown.

After a few remarks, Gray, DDOT and community leaders will cut a ceremonial ribbon. Hyde-Addison Elementary School is at 3219 O Street, N.W.

According to DDOT, the $11.8-million, 18-month rehabilitation project made key repairs on O and P Streets, N.W., between Wisconsin Avenue and 37th Street to preserve the roadways’ structural and historical integrity. Using refurbished and new materials, a uniform surface has been restored to the once greatly deteriorated streets that feature picturesque stone pavers and original streetcar tracks. In addition to reconstructing the roadway and sidewalks, according to DDOT, the restoration process included utility upgrades; significant underground infrastructure work; and safety and aesthetic enhancements at street level – including streetlight and drainage improvements and installation of crosswalks, curb ramps, tree boxes and tree rails and the planting of new trees.

Weddings on Display at The Wedding Salon

September 19, 2012

Brides gathered at the Madison on Sept. 10 to piece together their dream wedding at the Wedding Salon. Larger-than-life centerpieces, destination weddings, unique venues and more were on site for excited brides to weigh some of D.C.’s hottest options. Gaithersburg bridal shop P. Lawrence dressed some of the models on site to highlight the latest in trends. Many brides were already saying “yes to the dress,” as they pranced around with cocktails. The popular Charm City Cakes was also there along with Cake Panache wooing guests with yummy samples. The Wedding Salon was an amazing display in beautiful surroundings, but the icing on the wedding cake was the gift bag almost too heavy to carry out the door. Products, wedding magazines, samples — everything a girl needs to get excited about getting married. Now, if only they had grooms on display . . . [gallery ids="100980,131770,131745,131763,131752,131759" nav="thumbs"]

12th Annual National Book Festival

If you hear anybody telling you—as people are wont to do these days—that the book is dying, people are not reading books—and magazines and newspapers—any more, just say—or tweet or text some version of “Oh, yeah?” or “Seriously?”

Because it’s that time of year, it’s time for the 12th annual National Book Festival Saturday and Sunday where tons of writers—who write books of all sorts—will be on hand at the National Mall to sign books, talk, press the flesh, and perhaps more importantly, thousands (an estimated 200,000 people are expected) will be on hand to wander among an assortment of pavilions catering to adult and young readers, parents and kids, students and teachers. It’s hard to get a kindle or a nook book autographed.

The festival, a legacy of former first lady Laura Bush and held by the Library of Congress, gets bigger in terms of attendance and participating writers and authors every year. Tourists and readers flock to it, it’s like a bookish folk life festival, a rock festival with pages. Words ring out into the air, spoken by writers reading from their works, as well as the words of poets which have a special weight and lightness all at once.

As usual, there will be a Pavilion of the States—although this year only on Saturday—in which the 50 states and various non-states, including D.C. will show off their literary wares of writers, fiction, poems, children’s books and their own particular historic works, all home-grown.

The Washington Post is sponsoring “Let’s Read America” pavilions, along with Wells Fargo, AT&T, PBS Kids, Lego Duplo and Scholastic Inc., and, as always, the Digital Bookmobile returns, making the festival one of the most family friendly events you’re likely to encounter.

The sponsoring Library of Congress has its own pavilion, of course, where opportunities abound to explore the country’s oldest federal cultural institution, where you can scour research on your very own family history.

Primarily, though the National Book Festival is about the country’s passion and love for reading and books, which is to say there’ll be all sorts of authors on hand in person at various categories of pavilions: Family; Children; Teens and Children; Poetry and Prose; History and Biography; Sci-Fi, Fantasy and the accompanying and growing category of graphic novels; Fiction and Mystery and Contemporary life.

For the adults, in the Contemporary Life Section, you’ll find the likes of New York Times writer, historian of the present and accessible seer and prophet of the future Thomas Friedman; Lisa Scottoline, a popular mystery writer talks and writes about motherhood; Douglas Brinkley now in the news with his controversial biography of “Cronkite” and Congressman John Lewis, among others.

In the poetry and prose pavilion there’s award winning local students reading poetry out loud; former Washington Postie and author of a books on Ernest Hemingway and Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara Paul Hendrickson, former poet laureate Philip Levine, novelist Jeffrey (“Middlesex”) Eugenides, novelist T.C. Boyle, who has written 23 books, including his latest “San Miguel” and Thomas Mallon, whose latest historical novel is called simply “Watergate.” and is as fine an act of alchemy and fictionalization as you’ll find with the real life protagonists of the scandal that ousted Nixon from the presidency taking center stage.

In the Fiction and Mystery pavilion, you’ll find Stephen Carter, who’s imagined what might happen if Lincoln had survived his assassination attempt in “The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln”; Steven Millhauser, the novelist who won a Pulitzer Prize for the wonderful “Martin Dressler: The Tale of of an American Dreamer”; crime novelist Patricia Cornwell and Geraldine Brooks among many others.

In the History and Biography pavilion, you’ll find the ambitious Robert Caro still busy on telling the story of the life of Lyndon Baines Johnson; David Maraniss, who chronicled the early life of Barack Obama; Sally Bedell Smith who’s taking on the current Queen Elizabeth; Walter Isaacson, who’s written about Steven Jobs, Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein.

For a complete listing of authors and activities, including children and family activities and pavilions as well as daily events and signings, you should go to the National Book Festival web site or check out twitter, facebook and all the usual digital suspects And buy a book.

For more information and to see featured authors, visit the Library of Congress’s website

Weekend Roundup September 13, 2012

September 17, 2012

An Evening in Brazil

September 13th, 2012 at 07:00 PM | Free | | Tel: (202) 223-4000 | Event Website

Support the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund by bringing out your inner samba dancer this Thursday, September 13th from 7-9pm at BoConcept in Georgetown! There will be a free samba lesson, a silent auction, great prizes, and music provided by DJ Kevin White!


3342 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20007

Girls’ Night Out: Staying Fit from Top to Bottom (and a Little Bit in Between!)

September 13th, 2012 at 06:30 PM | Attendance is free, but advance registration is required. | | Tel: 202-877-7947 | Event Website

Sponsored by MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Girls’ Night Out is an educational and fun night out to learn about heart disease, osteoporosis, the genetics of cancer, incontinence and dryness “down there,” hosted by Cheryl B. Iglesia, MD. The event features honest discussion about women’s health issues, in a fun, lighthearted atmosphere. Join Us!

Please visit our website for full program details!


Bethesda Country Club, 7601 Bradley Boulevard, Bethesda, MD, 20817

The First Baptist Church, Georgetown

September 15th, 2012 at 01:00 PM | Tel: 202.965.1899

Celebrating 150 years of history in Georgetown, The First Baptist Church, Georgetown invites you to join them for their family fun Street Fair on Saturday September 15, from 1 to 6 p.m. Enjoy a fun-filled day of activities for the whole family including music, children’s activities, vendors and more.


2624 Dumbarton Street, NW

Under the Stars with Chaise Lounge

September 15th, 2012 at 08:00 PM | $27.50 | Tel: 540-463-7088 | Event Website

Come check out the jazz stylings of Chaise Lounge at the outdoor theater where entertainment comes naturally, the Lime Kiln Theater in Lexington,VA at 8pm.

The soothing and endearing Chaise Lounge embodies the musical spirits of the 1960’s jazz sounds with their interesting style and professional elegance. Sure to make one feel the illusions brought forth in the music, Chaise Lounge guarantees a smooth yet funky ride to its listeners.


607 Borden Rd, Lexington, VA 24450

Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare

September 16th, 2012 at 02:00 PM | $10- $25 | | Tel: 540-675-1253 | Event Website

Shakespeare’s famous tragedy Antony and Cleopatra concerns the complex relationship between the Roman general and the Egyptian Queen. It is said to be one of Shakespeare’s
most poetic plays. This production is by students from Cambridge University in England. Each
year, the Cambridge American Stage Tour (CAST) brings a near-professional quality performance of a
Shakespeare play. The students’ performances here have been outstanding.
$25 for adults, $10 under 18.


Theatre at Little Washington, Gay Street, Washington, VA

United States Navy Memorial’s Lone Sailor Awards Dinner

September 18th, 2012 at 06:00 PM | | Tel: (703) 417-2705 | Event Website 750-9539 | Event Website

What’s happening in today’s bond market? Get up-to-date insights and perspectives from one of Schwab’s experienced Fixed Income Market Directors. You’ll leave this workshop with ideas and strategies designed to help you become a more knowledgeable bond investor.


7401 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 100, Bethesda, MD 20814-3400

America’s Hero Neil Armstrong Honored at National Cathedral

Fellow astronauts, the Armstrong family, members of Congress, government and NASA officials and 1,500 others gathered at the National Cathedral Sept. 13 to pay tribute to Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. In tributes, songs and sermon, participants evoked a sense of the man, the engineer, the naval aviator, the Apollo 11 astronaut and the quiet American as reluctant hero who never stopped marveling at space exploration. Armstrong died Aug. 25 at the age of 82. He will be buried at sea tomorrow.

In the front pews were Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, with former astronaut and senator, John Glenn, and his wife Annie. Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon July 20, 1969.

After the welcome, parts of President John Kennedy’s 1962 speech were played in the cathedral, setting the scene for a flawless, seamless memorial — at once logical and mythopoetic — which spoke as much as about America’s aspirations and achievements as it did about Armstrong. “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things—not because they are easy, but because they are hard . . .”

Reminding us of the cathedral’s stained-glass Space Window which contains a lunar rock, NASA administrator Charles Bolden, Jr., a former astronaut, said, “Neil Armstrong left more than footprints and a flag on the moon. He left a foundation for the future and paved the way for future American explorers to be the first to step foot on Mars or another planet. Today, let us recommit ourselves to this grand challenge in honor of the man who first demonstrated it was possible to reach new worlds – and whose life demonstrated the quiet resolve and determination that makes every new, more difficult step into space possible.”

Former Secretary of the Navy John Dalton read an apt selection from the Old Testament: the Exodus story of Moses and the burning bush.

Then, another tribute to Armstrong, this one from Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon (at least for now) in December 1972. The thrice space-borne captain said: “In Neil’s mind, it was never about Neil. It was about you, your mothers and fathers, your grandparents, those of an earlier generation, who gave him the opportunity to walk on the moon. . . . He always gave credit to those who just didn’t know it couldn’t be done.”

Cernan recalled a more recent mission he had with Armstrong in Iraq to see the troops, those not yet even born when Americans first landed on the moon. They were enthusiastic to meet Armstrong, Cernan said and added: “They asked him, ‘Why are you here?’ Neil’s honest and thoughtful reply was, ‘Because you are here.’ ”

“He embodied all that is good and all that is great about America,” Cernan continued. “Neil, wherever you are, you again have shown us a way to the stars . . . As you soar through the heavens where even eagles dare not go, you can now truly put out your hand and touch the face of God.” Cernan then saluted his fellow moonwalker.

Next, centered a bit behind the transcept, singer Diana Krall, wearing a moon necklace, sat before a piano and began a slow and spare rendition of “Fly Me to the Moon,” a song played during the Apollo 10 and Apollo 11 missions. Her measured words and notes were stunning.

Friend and former Treasury Secretary John Snow reminded all that Armstrong was “a regular guy” and played golf with the precision of an engineer which he was. Rev. Gina Gilland Campbell then read the Gospel, a selection from Matthew, and the also aptly chosen words of the Sermon on the Mount: “. . . Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. … You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden.”

The homily was given by the Episcopal Bishop of Washington, the Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, who used the story of the rose in the “The Little Prince” to contemplate upon our stewardship of the planet. The rose that one cares for makes it unique beyond the many others. Budde spoke of Armstrong’s concern about international cooperation and the need to save ourselves from ourselves. “The earth was his rose,” she said.

Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins then read intercessory prayers: “Bless to us, O God, the moon that is above us, the earth that is beneath us, the friends who are around us, your image deep within us.”

“Creator of the universe, your dominion extends through the immensity of space: guide and guard those who seek to fathom its mysteries. Especially we thank you this day for your servant Neil Armstrong, who with courage and humility first set foot upon the moon. Following his example, save us from arrogance, lest we forget that our achievements are grounded in you; and by the grace of your Holy Spirit, protect our travels beyond the reaches of the earth, that we may glory ever more in the wonder of your creation: through Jesus Christ, your Word, by whom all living things came to be—who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever.”

Near the end of the service was the singing of “America the Beautiful,” and it soared through the nave by the sounds of the Cathedral Choristers and the U.S. Navy “Sea Chanters.” Our national hymn never sounded better and reminded me of other services here and elsewhere of those lost and those celebrated.

This cathedral on one of the highest points of Washington is central to the ceremonial and spiritual life of this nation. The power of two previous memorial services I attended in this gothic space were remembered: prayers for the crew of Space Shuttle Columbia which annunciated the extraordinary lives of those astronauts and the funeral mass for Katharine Graham whereupon looking for a seat the two nearest ushers guiding us were Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

As we were dismissed, Bishop Budde blessed the crowd and bid us: “Go forth into the world in peace; search the cosmos, it is the Lord’s; and may the God of all strength nerve you with the courage of the astronauts . . .” [gallery ids="100975,131383,131364,131375,131372" nav="thumbs"]