Opinion: Sen. Sessions Facing Unwarranted Attacks

January 12, 2017

Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general deserves a thorough and respectful hearing, says this writer.

All About Politics: Observations on the District Council Swearing-In

January 5, 2017

Worth noting: Vincent Gray, former D.C. mayor, returned to his first elected position, Council member from Ward 7.

All About Politics: Observations on the District Council Swearing-in — and the Convention Center

December 29, 2016

I just came from the District of Columbia Council’s formal swearing-in. By law, all newly elected Council Members must be sworn in by noon, Jan. 2. Even though it was […]

All About Politics: The Mayor Meets PEOTUS

December 12, 2016

The three subjects discussed at the 40-minute (30-minute?) meeting Dec. 6 were statehood, education and transportation.

Godspeed, John Glenn: 1921 – 2016

December 9, 2016

Americans living in today’s uncertain times lost a man yesterday easily recognized for who and what he was. John Glenn was a hero in flight, who had proven himself in […]

All About Politics: the Hyde-Addison Turmoil

December 8, 2016

As the Nov. 29 meeting — complete with “Don’t Wing the Swing” T-shirts — wore on, the crowd became much more vocal.

Wyatt Dickerson, Life of the Party, Dies at 92

The well-known businessman and restaurateur led a life of charm, adventure and accomplishment.

Trump’s Picks: Not Reassuring

December 7, 2016

Donald Trump got elected because he knew how to talk a good game. The people who voted for him believed he was in their corner and fighting for them. But […]

75 Years On, Pearl Harbor Still Felt

Today, Dec. 7, we the people, including the dwindling members of the Greatest Generation, will gather again in Hawaii, in Washington, at military memorials everywhere, to commemorate a day that, […]

A Life Well Lived: Iconic Journalist Gwen Ifill Dies at 61

November 28, 2016

An appreciation for the “Washington Week” moderator and managing editor, who passed away Nov. 14.