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Georgetown University Professor Sentenced to Death in Egypt
June 12, 2015
•Public policy professor Emad Shahin has been sentenced to death in Egypt along with 35 others on charges of espionage. Luckily for him, he’s safe in Washington, acting as a visiting professor at Georgetown University.
The death sentences, which Shahin called “unprecedented,” were handed down by the Cairo Criminal Court in response to criticism of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, who rose to power in July 2013 in a military coup.
Shahin said he first heard of the charges being weighed against him through a stranger’s message over Facebook. Shahin was roped into the espionage case because he was cc’ed on a number of emails that the court claims discussed undermining Egyptian power with agents of Hamas and Iranian nationals.
The professor left Egypt in January 2014 and maintains his innocence. Shahin told Vice News, “The judicial context and the political environment in general is not conducive to a fair trial and due process [in Egypt].” Shahin argued that Sisi is “treating Egypt as an extension of the army and not the other way around.” He also said the trial are a “sham” and that Sisi’s reign resembles that of Hosni Mubarak or Saddam Hussein.
The Cairo Criminal Court proceedings have also been called into question by the U.S. State Department and Amnesty International, among other foreign policy players. Unsurprisingly, the Egyptian government has defended the trials as fair and called international criticism “an unacceptable intrusion into the work of the Egyptian judicial system.”
Shahin plans to take on the role of activist at the end of this semester. “I wanted to be viewed as an academic and scholar solely but this is too much,” he told Vice, adding, “they are acting on their madness so they have to be stopped, that’s what I am trying to do.”
Beau Biden: ‘the Finest Man Any of Us Have Ever Known’
The story came over the news world online as a New York Times piece, straightforward as a hurtful arrow: “Beau Biden, Vice President Joe Biden’s Son, Dies at 46,” read the headline.
Everything after that—the sparse details of his death of brain cancer at Walter Reed Hospital, his seeming escape from the same fate with an earlier bout of cancer, his career as attorney general of Delaware, the possibility that he might have run for governor—instead of the Senate—his military service as a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps in the Delaware National Guard who was deployed in Iraq in 2008 where he was a recipient of the Bronze Star—all that were biography heavy with undertone.
The deeper, larger story was about family and how and why family matters so much in the lives of the people we chose to be our leaders, and how, when tragedy strikes those same people, it seems more than usual, also to strike us, as a kind of informing warning, as a piece of knowledge that hurts us, too.
He was officially and by birth certificate Joseph R. Biden III, which made his father the vice president, a Jr., but taken together the two men were two sides of a life’s coin—the face of each predicated the other at times, as if Beau had anticipated his father’s older face with the same broad smile, not in mimicry, but in sunny, buoyant exactitude.
This death, one assumes was horribly hurtful to Biden, to the family—deep feelings, in plain written words could be felt in the vice president’s public statement: “It is with broken hearts that Hallie, Hunter, Ashley , Jill and I announce the passing of our husband, brother and son, Beau, after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage and strength he demonstrated every day of his life.”
In the words of the Biden family: “Beau Biden was, quite simply, the finest man any of us have ever known.”
There was a kind of sad echo in the statement, the memory of a previous major tragic loss for Biden and the family—it was the absence of other names—Biden’s first wife Neilia and their 13-month-old daughter Naomi, who were killed in a car accident on December 18, 1972, only a few weeks after Biden had won an improbable come-from-behind Senate race. His sons Beau and Hunter were hurt in the crash. Biden took his oath of office in the hospital where his boys were being cared for. Senator Joe Biden was 30 years old then. Famously, the new senator commuted by train, going home from Washington to his family every night. He had said it was not that he could be there for them, but primarily, so they could be there for him.
Beau was remarkably like his father, giving his dad’s nomination speech at the 2008 Democratic Convention. He told the gathered political family of his father: “I have something to ask of you. Be there for my dad like he was for me.” Beau was soon to leave for Iraq.
They were bound, it seems now, by strong love, no doubt humor, idealism and deep respect.
Bonds of family are like ropes that can be frayed with losses, but ultimately, for some, they are difficult to break, the true bonds that bind.
President Barack Obama said, “For all that Beau Biden achieved in his life, nothing made him prouder, nothing made him happier, nothing claimed a fuller focus of his love and devotion than his family. Just like his dad.”
The best political leaders—the best presidents—we have had had an acute sense of tragedy, from experience and through empathy. That was true for Washington, Lincoln, all the Kennedys, the Roosevelts and, sadly, again, now for the vice president.
Joseph R. Biden III, Beau, is survived by his wife Hallie, and their two children, Natalie, 11 and Hunter, 9; his parents, the vice president and Jill Biden, his brother Hunter and his sister, Ashley Biden.
‘Caine Mutiny’ Author, Former Georgetowner Herman Wouk Turns 100
June 11, 2015
•Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Don Quixote. Who are your heroes in real life? Those who serve over in Afghanistan, or six months underwater in nuclear subs.
So answered Pulitzer Prize-winning author Herman Wouk, then 97, in the October 2012 Vanity Fair. The writer of “The Caine Mutiny,” “The Winds of War” and “War and Remembrance” – the first made into a classic Humphrey Bogart film, the others into television miniseries – turned 100 years old May 27.
Almost half a century ago, a profile in the Nov. 26, 1971, issue of Life magazine reported, “Wouk lives in chandeliered elegance in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., in an 1815 townhouse.” He and his wife Betty along with their sons moved to 3255 N St. NW in 1964.
When the house was renovated about five years ago, architect Simon Jacobsen discovered a small, secret room along with an interesting movie memento: steel balls used as stress-relievers by the cross-examined Commander Queeg, played by actor Humphrey Bogart, in “The Caine Mutiny,” made from Wouk’s novel. There was also a note, which read, “To Herman from Bogie.”
The house, on the corner of N and Potomac Streets, is now owned by dermatologist Tina Alster, M.D., and her husband and political consultant, Ambassador Paul Frazer, who put it on the market several months ago.
The son of immigrants from Minsk, Wouk, the future hewer of bulky wartime narratives graduated from Columbia University and wrote comedy sketches for Fred Allen’s radio show. His World War II service in the Navy inspired “The Caine Mutiny,” which was published in 1951. He moved to Washington, partly to be near the National Archives and the Library of Congress.
In 2000, the Library of Congress gave him its Living Legend medal and, eight years later, the first Library of Congress Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Writing of Fiction. At that time, he donated his journals, more than 100 volumes, to the library, retaining a copy for his own research.
Wouk’s wife, Betty, who had served on the board of directors of the Georgetowner Newspaper, died in 2011.
Wouk now lives in Palm Springs, Calif. His new memoir, “Sailor and Fiddler: Reflections of a 100-Year-Old Author,” will appear in December.
Georgetown Seniors Make It a Happy Thanksgiving
June 8, 2015
•Members of the Georgetown Senior Center and its volunteer staff celebrated all things Thanksgiving at St. John’s Church on O Street Nov. 26. Happy for health, for friends and for a lunch where someone asked for more plates from the kitchen, the seniors first said grace with Rector Rev. Gini Gerbasi, who gave thanks and also asked that those traveling in the rainy, sleety weather be safe and have the appropriate clothing to wear. The traditional lunch — regularly donated by 1789 Restaurant for years — consisted of turkey, string beans, stuffing and mashed potatoes, along with cranberry sauce and turkey gravy. And for dessert? Of course: pumpkin and apple pies. Guests felt doubly blessed to partake of the pate prepared by the former interim rector, Rev. Bruce McPherson. [gallery ids="101935,136065,136062" nav="thumbs"]
‘Flashback’: 40 Years of D.C. Pride
June 4, 2015
•Pride in Washington has come a long way since local gay activists put together a one-time event to promote and celebrate lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender identity in 1972.
Those organizers pushed the boundaries in an age when gay sex was illegal and gay federal employees were fired for being gay — based on rationale that they were “perverts,” and therefore, security risks. They likely couldn’t have imagined the strides our country, or the world, would make with gay rights over the next 40 years.
But the purpose of the event hasn’t changed. “Every Pride is someone’s first Pride. When it’s your first Pride and you’re just coming out, you really need that mix of the political and celebratory,” says Chip Lewis, Capital Pride’s communications director.
Over the decades, however, a small demonstration has evolved into a spectacular slew of events drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors — not to mention hefty corporate sponsorships from mainstream companies and participation by traditionally conservative groups like the Boy Scouts of America.
Pride became an annual event in Washington starting in 1975, first led by community leaders like Deacon Maccubbin. For several years, LGBT-centric organizations like Whitman-Walker organized the event. In 2008, volunteers formed the Capital Pride Alliance to keep Pride traditions alive, as Whitman-Walker struggled financially.
Since its founding, Capital Pride has done more than just continue Washington’s lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender traditions. The organization and its volunteers have ushered in a new era of Pride in the District marked by broader attendance, new sponsors, more floats, parties, festival themes and a gala celebrating prominent supporters of gay rights, like this year’s honoree, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
“For me what’s exciting is the continuing growth of excitement and energy around the event and what our community produces for Pride,” says Capital Pride Executive Director Ryan Bos. Chatting about this year’s celebration, his eyes light up, his fingers tap and he twirls the piece of candy in his mouth. (Bos keeps a jar full of Laffy Taffy, Dum Dums and other treats in his office at all times, FYI.)
Bos is particularly pumped for this year’s theme of “Flashback,” laughing as he describes how eager he is to see how the theme “manifests itself at the parade and opening party at Arena Stage.”
Capital Pride is planning for attendance in the hundreds of thousands for this June’s festivities. Parade highlights include color guards from the U.S. military and the Boy Scouts, and floats put on by several local schools and faith-based educational groups. Bos says, “We try to create a place for anyone who wants to participate.”
Lewis, a holdover from Whitman-Walker and the organization’s gay-history buff, notes the changing face of Pride sponsors. Lewis says, “A few years ago, our primary sponsors were beer and vodka companies like Budweiser and Absolut. Now there are a lot more banks.” In addition, Bos points out that Northrup Grumman, a major security and defense company, is sponsoring this year’s events in honor of the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.”
Some have come to think Pride is just an excuse for massive partying, but Lewis disputes this, “Every time you bring the community together, you want to remind them that even though we’ve made progress, there’s still a lot that needs to be done.” He and Bos mention that transgender issues, LGBT homelessness, bullying, HIV and elderly people returning to the closet in assisted living are issues that still encumber the gay community.
“‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ is the only LGBT issue that has been completely resolved nationwide,” states Lewis. That said, “When you bring people together who live every day under fear of discrimination, and bring them into a safe space, they’re going to want to have fun.”
Both Bos and Lewis see D.C.’s Pride celebrations reaching a larger audience than just the gay community. Bos says Pride in the District has become more than a celebration of gayness. “It’s not ‘I’m gay and I’m proud.’ It’s that ‘I’m happy for whoever you are and whatever you are,’ and there’s no need to label it.”
As for those who haven’t experienced Pride yet, for any number of reasons, Bos says, “Just come watch and you’ll be amazed by the sheer diversity of people in the community who are just excited to be who they are.”
$13-Billion Budget Treats Georgetown: Hyde-Addison, Canal Fix, New Barge, Bridge Lighting — and Gondola Study
June 1, 2015
•The 2016 D.C. budget, totaling $12.96 billion, has “something for everyone,” as Mayor Muriel Bowser and Councilman Jack Evans said during the annual meeting of the Citizens Association of Georgetown.
Just hours after the District Council approved the biggest budget ever for D.C., Bowser, Evans and CAG officials and awardee gathered May 27 at Sea Catch Restaurant, which is next to the C&O Canal on 31st Street. In fact, the canal did well by the budget: $3 million is slated from D.C. for a general reconstruction and a new cannel barge with matching funds from private sources.
Included in the budget was $35,000 to the District Department of Transportation for a study looking at running an aerial gondola over the Potomac River from Georgetown to Roslyn, Va. This popular favorite of an alternative mode of transportation grabbed headlines immediately with local news outlets. Additional money for the gondola option is required from Arlington County.
More importantly for Georgetown, however, the Hyde-Addison Elementary School construction is now scheduled for June 2016 — $9 million, to start, for a cafeteria and gymnasium. More money will be available in the next budget, as the school project will take two years. This change from a later start time of 2017, which was lamented by Hyde parents, was largely due to persuasion from Councilmembers Evans and David Grosso.
Also, in the budget is funding for lighting projects which will illuminate the undersides of Key Bridge and the Whitehurst Freeway, both of part of beatification programs advocated by the Georgetown Business Improvement District as is the concept of an aerial gondola.
Meanwhile, the council did turn down Bowser’s budget proposal to raise sales taxes and parking garage taxes, but tickets for an expired parking meter will increase from $25 to $30.
Mayor Bowser to Join Citizens in Honoring Evans, Downs, Kuno, Others
Mayor Muriel Bowser will speak at the annual meeting of the Citizens Association Georgetown on Wednesday, May 27, at the Sea Catch Restaurant on 31st Street.
Along with its election of officers, CAG will present its annual awards for 2015.
The Belin Award will be presented to Barbara Downs “for her expert and dedicated work in preserving the historic character of Georgetown.”
Sachiko Kuno will be honored with the William A. Cochran Award for “exceptional efforts to protect and enhance the community’s parkland and architectural resources.”
The Charles Atherton Award will be presented to Ward 2 Councilmember Jack Evans for “exceptional service by a dedicated public-sector professional for outstanding work preserving and protecting historic Georgetown.”
“The Martin-Davidson Award to businesses that have contributed significantly to the community will be presented to Foley & Lardner LLP.,” according to the citizens’ group.
In addition, CAG noted: “There will be a special appreciation award presented to Georgetown University’s Lauralyn Lee and Cory Peterson for dedicated and distinguished service to the Georgetown community. Diane Colasanto will be honored with a special appreciation award for her years of sustained and significant work on CAG’s Public Safety and other neighborhood programs.”
At the meeting, CAG will also elect its officers and directors for 2015 and 2016: “The slate is Bob vom Eigen, president; Jennifer Altemus, vice president; Barbara Downs, secretary; Bob Laycock, treasurer and elected directors Karen Cruse, Hazel Denton, Hannah Isles, and John Rentzepis. Treasurer John Richardson will report on the financial condition of the organization.”
The May 27 reception and annual meeting will be hosted at the Sea Catch Restaurant, 1054 31st St. NW., which is housed in a former warehouse next to the C&O Canal as well as a punch card factory that collected date for the 1890 census. Herman Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine Company was headquartered in the building. That company merged with others to become IBM, thus making the 31st Street building, the “birthplace of the modern computer.” A plaque on the building installed by IBM commemorates the technological milestone.
The reception begins 7 p.m.; program starts 7:30 p.m. Afterwards, a special $35-dollar dinner for CAG members is offered. (For more information, call 202-337-8855.)
Other Suspects Possible in Quadruple Murder; Funeral Set for June 1
As prosecutors maintain that others may have been involved in the May 14 murders of Savvas Savopoulus, his wife, Amy Savopoulos, their son Philip, and a housekeeper, Veralicia Figueroa, Metropolitan Police continue to look for evidence at the Woodland Drive mansion that was set on fire after the homicides.
“Well, there had to be some connection between when Wint worked there, like, 10 years ago. So, there has to be some connection to someone that Wint knows that’s working there now that was able to give the details to know about the money and that they could get the money delivered to the house,” former prosecutor Deborah Hines told WUSA9 News.
Also, the so-called assistant who dropped off $40,000 to the Savopoulus home May 14 was somewhat inconsistent in his testimony, those close to the case told news reporters.
On May 21, U.S. marshals and officers from the Metropolitan Police Department arrested Daron Dylon Wint, 34, the prime suspect in the May 14 murders at the Savopoulus home in Woodley Park.
Wint is due in court June 23.
A massive manhunt ended on the 1000 block of Rhode Island Avenue NE. “A police helicopter joined the pursuit from above, and officers eventually got between the two vehicles in northeast Washington. Wint surrendered without a fight and showed little emotion as he, three other men and two women were taken into custody,” according to the Associated Press. One of those arrested was Wint’s brother. The scene on Rhode Island Avenue involved about 25 vehicles.
“Just got him,” announced MPD Chief Cathy Lanier around 11:30 p.m., May 21, of the person accused of multiple slayings, which Mayor Muriel Bowser, called “an act of evil.”
After tracking Wint to New York and back to D.C., the fugitive task force detected him near a Howard Johnson hotel in College Park, Md., and followed a sedan and box truck into the District. Police also found at least $10,000 in one of the vehicles and did not rule out other possible suspects in the crime.
According to the New York Post, Wint took a taxicab from Brooklyn to D.C. to escape police: “He’d been staying in his gal pal’s Canarsie apartment since Sunday — but wasn’t concerned about getting caught until he was named as a suspect Wednesday night, a law enforcement source said. Wint was ‘shocked’ by the warrant for his arrest, the source added. He called his parents in Maryland, then hopped in a livery cab, forking over hundreds of dollars to get back to D.C., the source said.”
Wint was arraigned May 22 on a charge of first-degree murder while armed.
After the dramatic arrest of the suspect, accused of a heinous crime which attracted local, national and international attention, the Savopoulos family offered a statement: “While it does not abate our pain, we hope that it begins to restore a sense of calm and security to our neighborhood and to our city. We are blessed to live in a community comprised of close circles of friends who have supported us and grieve with us. Our family, and Vera’s family, have suffered unimaginable loss, and we ask for the time and space to grieve privately.”
Because of DNA left on a crust of pizza at the crime scene and a criminal record, Wint matched the forensic evidence, and the pursuit began.
“He is wanted pursuant to a D.C. Superior Court arrest warrant charging him with Murder One while Armed,” MPD announced May 20. “He is described as a black male, approximately 5’7” in height, weighing approximately 155 pounds.”
Wint is reported to have worked as a welder for American Iron Works in Hyattsville, Md., where Savvas Savopoulus was the CEO. Wint went through Marine Corps boot camp in 2000 but left after five weeks. He is also an ex-convict.
The May 14 murder of Savvas Savopoulus, 46, and his wife, Amy Savopoulos, 47, as well as their 10-year-old son, Philip, who attended St. Alban’s School, and a housekeeper, Veralicia Figueroa, 57, has shocked friends of the family, which lived blocks away from Washington National Cathedral and the home of Vice President Joe Biden. After the attacks, the Savopoulus house — valued at $4.5 million — in the 3200 block of Woodland Drive NW was set on fire. The suspect or suspects fled the scene with $40,000 in cash, obtained from Savopoulus.
Savvas Savopoulos and his wife Amy were known around town and were involved with school and other social benefits. The couple’s two teenage daughters were at boarding school at the time of the murder and are safe.
A June 1 funeral service is planned for Savvas, Amy and Philip Savopoulos at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral on Massachusetts Avenue. The remains of Veralicia Figueroa will be sent to her native El Salvador after a funeral here.