Note: All submitted events must be approved before they appear in the calendar.
The streets of DC Chinatown will be filled with revelers and spectators as the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) in partnership with the Mayor’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA) as we host the annual Chinese Lunar New Year’s parade. This year, in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, is the Year of the Dragon. Dragons are charismatic, intelligent, confident, powerful and they are naturally lucky and gifted. Come early for a bite at one of the many local eateries and then grab your curb-side vantage point to witness the colorful pageantry to come.
We plan to organize a dynamic community-based parade that will include a range of cultural and community performances by lion and dragon dance troupes, musical bands from various generational and cultural organizations, kung-fu schools, beauty pageant princesses, U.S. Military representing Army, Navy & Air Force, local high school bands, and more. The finale will feature a firecracker show surrounded by lion dancing troupes. We would advise that it is best to take METRO to Gallery Place and avoid the transportation hassle.