Note: All submitted events must be approved before they appear in the calendar.
Dumbarton celebrates Reconciling Sunday around Mardi Gras each year to mark the Sunday it voted in 1987 to welcome LGBTQIA+ people, friends, and families to its services. The service will feature Rev. Dr. Leo Yates as guest preacher and a Mardi Gras Celebration potluck brunch after worship. Invite your friends and family! All are welcome!
Dr. Yates, an ordained deacon, is a hospital chaplain and pastoral counselor specializing in deaf ministries, accessibility ministries, and sign language interpreting. He chaired the United Methodist Church’s Baltimore-Washington Conference Commission on Disability Concerns, and currently is Secretary of the UMC Board of Global Ministries’ Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministries Committee. He also chairs the Baltimore-Washington Conference Order of Deacons.
Join us at 11:00 a.m. in person at 3133 Dumbarton Street NW, or by Zoom just for our simultaneously broadcast worship service, by dialing 301-715-8592 and punching in Meeting ID: 898 3876 7270 and Passcode: 312148.
Dumbarton UMC, also the home of the Dumbarton Concert Series in Georgetown, is an inclusive faith community. The congregation voted to welcome LGBTQIA+ people and their families in March, 1987, and we have been celebrating their gifts and commitment to our community ever since. Dumbarton is also committed to becoming a more anti-racist church. We are biblical Christians, but believe Jesus’s most important commandment is to love all our neighbors – to welcome the hurting, the doubting, the lost, and the intellectually curious, believers and non-believers alike.
You are not alone. In God’s neighborhood, we all can belong. If you think Dumbarton might be a good spiritual home for you, come as you are!