Note: All submitted events must be approved before they appear in the calendar.
Thursday, April 22 at 7:30 pm
Frank Kameny spent five decades in DC as a civil rights activist and politician, including serving on Mayor Walter Washington’s inaugural Commission on Human Rights soon after the city gained Home Rule. As historian Eric Cervini’s research in the extensive Frank Kameny Papers at the Library of Congress revealed, Kameny (1925-2011) developed what would become known as Gay Pride inspired by the legacy and tactics of the Black Freedom movement. Join Washington History managing editor Jane F. Levey and historian Eric Cervini, author of The Deviant’s War: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America for a conversation about Kameny’s legacy. Levey and Cervini will discuss how Kameny’s battle to decriminalize homosexuality fundamentally changed Washington and the world. Free. Registrants can purchase a signed copy of The Deviant’s War at checkout, or at our online shop. |