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Healing Power of Meditation

July 11, 2020

$6 – $45

Healing Power of Meditation (July 11)

The practice of taking and giving is one of the most powerful methods for opening our hearts and healing our mental and physical illness.This ancient practice brings mental peace and happiness, and is especially helpful in situations where we may otherwise feel powerless to directly helping others or overcoming adversity. Taking and giving is a well known healing meditation practice. We will learn to heal our mind and enhance our love, compassion, and wisdom. Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of this Saturday retreat.

Registration will open five (5) days before event.

This online course is available to anyone who would have the intention to attend the talk in person at KMC DC if it were possible.

Register for our online classes in 3 easy steps:

Click the BUY CLASS + REGISTER button and pay
2. Wait to be redirected to the registration page (critical!)*
3. Check your inbox for your link to the class
* Please make sure you complete the registration process once you pay through the PayPay screen.

* The online course will be accessible for 48 hours after it finishes when pre-registered. *


Saturday, July 11th

Taking & Giving Retreat

session 1 – 11am – 12pm

Break 12 – 12:30pm

session 2 – 12:30 – 1:30pm

Break 1:30 – 2:30pm

session 3 – 2:30 -3:30pm

Break 3:30 – 4pm

session 4 – 4 – 5pm

Gen Kelsang Demo is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Washington DC. She is a long time student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and has been teaching for over 20 years. Gen Demo has a wealth of practical knowledge and provides clear and inspiring teachings for people of all levels of interest.


July 11, 2020
$6 – $45


Kadampa Meditation Center Online
1200 Canal Street SW
Washington, DC 20024
View Venue Website


Kadampa Meditation Center
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