Note: All submitted events must be approved before they appear in the calendar.
We are continually grasping at the eight extremes of phenomena. For a qualified meditator single pointedly absorbed in emptiness, there is no difference between the eight extremes of phenomena: production, disintegration, impermanence, permanence, going, coming, singularity and plurality. Having mixed our mind with emptiness, when we arise from meditation we will experience all phenomena equally as manifestations of their emptiness. In this experience, everything becomes very peaceful and comfortable, balanced and harmonious, joyful and wonderful.
Over the course of the weekend, Kadam Michelle will give us commentary to the profound teachings on The Emptiness of The Eight Extremes – the lack of inherently existent production, disintegration, impermanence, permanence, going, coming, singularity and plurality. In each session, we will explore: how things arise from causes and conditions, subtle impermanence, how people actually come into our life, and where they go when they leave and the emptiness of all phenomena.
Event Schedule Saturday, April 5th
Session 1 – 10:30am – 11:30am
Break 11:30am – 12pm
Session 2 – 12pm – 1pm
Sunday, April 6th
Session 3 – 12pm – 1pm
Break 1pm – 2pm
Session 4 – 2pm – 3:30pm final session w/ Q&A”