Note: All submitted events must be approved before they appear in the calendar.
Profs and Pints presents: “The Love Lecture,” with Laura Papish, assistant professor of philosophy at George Washington University and teacher of a seminar on the philosophy of love, sex, and friendship.
Who wrote the book of love? Why does love have to be so sad? Is it a thin line between love and hate? On a more serious note, how does our society’s understanding of love and romantic love shape our experience of it? Why do we think of love as mysterious and irrational? Do those we love need to be lovable? Is love necessarily a morally good thing, or can it actually make it harder for us to be good?
Hear such questions fielded by Laura Papish, assistant professor of philosophy at George Washington University and teacher of a seminar on the philosophy of love, sex, and friendship.
Feel free to show up if you are lovelorn, love-stricken, or just love to hear interesting conversation over good food and good beer.
Advance tickets available at