“A Time to Remember”

It was a night to remember for those who live in fear of forgetting. On October 27th, just one block from the White House, the arts community and the medical community joined forces for Alzheimer’s Disease awareness. Dr. Dorree Lynn, celebrity psychologist and author of Sex for Grown Ups, headed the fundraising efforts at the art-enhanced event for USAgainstAlzheimer’s.

Hosted in Servcorp’s decadent Pennsylvania Avenue Executive Suites, local artists Emma O’Rourke, Zahira Truth, Akua Walker, Hannelore Thompson and Maria Santiago stood proudly beside artwork inspired by the evening’s theme, “A Time to Remember.”

Dr. Dorree spoke to guests about the intriguing and fulfilling connection she has with Alzheimer’s patients who cannot provide factual information about what they may have eaten for breakfast, but seem to display a deeper insight that may seem illogical. She shares, “It’s almost as if all the garbage fades away and only the essentials are left behind.”

Founders of USAgainstAlzheimer’s, George and Trish Vradenburg, shared the statistics and likelihood of either developing Alzheimer’s or knowing someone who has it. Also discussed: the latest Alzheimer’s research, the need for funding, the reality that a cure is closer that most imagine and the USAgainstAlzheimer’s challenge to cure Alzheimer’s by 2020.

Author and USAgainstAlzheimer’s Board of Directors member, Patrick Berry, also attended, signing and gifting guests with a copy of his latest book, “Escape from Enchantment.” Dr. Dorree’s book, “Sex for Grownups,” was given to the three lucky winners of the gift basket raffle, which also featured multiple bottles of wine and gift certificates to local DC restaurants.

The mission of USAgainstAlzheimer’s is to eradicate Alzheimer’s by 2020, rather than simply treat the symptoms. For more information about USAgainstAlzheimer’s or to learn how you can help stop Alzheimer’s by 2020, visit (www.USAgainstAlzheimers.org.)


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