The noon Jan. 30 deadline came and went, as United State Park Police again warned protestors at McPherson Square at 15th and K Streets that camping with overnight sleeping would no longer be allowed. Some have already complied; many appeared ready for a fight and stay in the park overnight.
Photographer Patrick Ryan of reported from the scene: “Occupy D.C. protestors put a giant ‘tent of dreams’ over the equestrian statue of General McPherson in the center of McPherson Square and chanted, ‘Let us sleep so we can dream!’ ”
U.S. Park Police spokesman, Sgt. David Schlosser said that Occupy D.C. protestors on McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza had been made aware of camping regulations but gave no hard schedule for arresting any die-hards violating the deadline.
On Monday, no arrests had been made as of 3 p.m. The so-called showdown seemed to have mellowed and been deferred. U.S. Civil War Major General James Birdseye McPherson, whose equestrian statue was covered with a blue tarp and who died with his boots on in 1864, might not have been so agreeable.
- Patrick G. Ryan