Republican Jill Homan Fights for Economic Development, Jobs in Wards 7 and 8

Behind her ice-blue eyes, Jill Homan — who is vying with Teri Galvez to be Republican National Committeewoman for Washington, D.C. — has aspirations to bring more red into D.C. by connecting voters from all over the city, east to west.

“I think we can improve our relationships with existing Republicans,” Homan said. “Going door to door has been very beneficial. People see that there is a vibrant party and that we have the opportunities to succeed.”

Homan believes the District can improve its local Republican Party in three ways. First, she said, is connecting with the base. Second is bringing new residents moving to Washington into the Republican Party, and third is taking advantage of the opportunity to connect with voters east of the Anacostia River in Wards 7 and 8.

These two wards have severely high unemployment rates. “It’s something like 50 percent for ex-offenders,” Homan said. “I would argue that their leaders have failed them.” Unemployment rates for Wards 7 and 8 are 17 percent and 25 percent, respectively.

Having recently held a Black History Month event in Ward 7 with D.C Council candidate Ron Moten, Homan heard firsthand from the Republican voters in the community who are looking for change.

“They say, ‘Why can’t we have more sit-down restaurants nearby? Why is Denny’s one of the only options? Why can’t we have a bank over here?’ ” she said.

Homan also expressed her frustration for those more concerned with legalizing marijuana or conserving the wildlife over more immediate issues. “We need to be equally concerned with lack of jobs, lack of access to healthcare and difficulty with transportation.”

A Penn Quarter homeowner, Homan worked for former Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich, when he is a representative on Capitol Hill as his press secretary. She earned two master’s degrees from Duke University and co-founded Javelin 19 Investments, a commercial real estate investment company.

“Being able to provide my insight was helpful to people there,” she said. “I am excited, come April 4, to continue.”

If she is elected, her first plan of action is to get some sleep, Homan said laughing. After that, she hopes to get the leadership together. “Everybody, even my opponent,” she said, can “talk constructively about how we can move forward together. I need to take the momentum, the information and the support and transfer that to other campaigns to get more people voting and staying engaged.”

Click Here to Read Michelle Kingston’s interview of Teri Galvez.


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