Children Uniting Nations
By May 3, 2012 0 1698
Children Uniting Nations (CUN) is a proactive organization created to bring attention to the plight of at-risk and foster youth. Children in foster care receive role-model support, guidance, a sense of community and awareness of the importance of education. In conjunction with CUN’s Fifth Annual Conference in support of foster youth mentorship gains in Washington on July 20, Lani Hay, Christine Warnke and Greg Houston hosted a private dinner at Neyla. CUN founder Daphna Ziman said, “our children are our future. We are simply the gatekeepers.” Jermaine and Randy Jackson have lent their support to the program in honor of Michael. At the following evening’s gala in the J. W. Marriott ballroom, Randy said, “we had parents who told us our dreams could come true.” Jermaine charmed the room with his rendition of “Smile,” Michael’s favorite song. Daphna thanked him, remarking, “there were moments that I heard Michael. You are continuing the dream.” — Mary Bird
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