D.C. Celebrates Earth Day at Union Station (photos)

April 22 was the 43rd anniversary of the Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970. According to director of Earth Day Franklin Russell, Earth Day is the largest secular event in the world with millions simultaneously participating in countries around the globe. Washington’s locals celebrated the occasion at Union Station with a farmers market, speakers, educational booths and live music. The theme chosen by the Earth Day Network for this year’s event was “the face of climate change.” Russell hinted at big plans for the 45th anniversary of Earth Day in 2015 with a massive event on the National Mall that should draw hundreds of thousands.

Two works of art decorated the entrance to Union Station during the event, “Atlas Recycled” by Tom Tsuchiya and “Plastic Storm Sculpture” by George Sabra.

Cincinnati-based Tsuchiya created “Atlas Recycled” in 2010. The seven-foot-tall sculpture depicts the mythical Greek Titan Atlas bearing the earth on his shoulders. It also doubles as a recycling container for aluminum cans and plastic bottles. In addition to being a recycling aid, “Atlas” itself is made mainly from reused materials. Pieces of 14 used atlases and road maps cover the entire surface of the sculpture. This was a return trip to D.C. for “Atlas Recycled,” having appeared last year on the National Mall during Earth Week.

“Plastic Storm Sculpture” by Austin, Texas-based George Sabra is a 14-feet-tall storm funnel made of reclaimed plastic bottles, cups, jars and caps which “represent the massive storm of plastic waste generated by humans on a daily basis.”

You can view our photos of these works of art and the activities from Earth Day at Union Station by clicking on the photo icons below.


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