Tomorrow, District of Columbia voters choose an at-large member of the District Council. The race for this special election has seemed a bit overfilled with similarly sounding candidates. We can almost see why one candidate asked another to leave the race, even as one already withdrew. The candidates on Tuesday’s ballot: Anita Bonds, Matthew Frumin, Patrick Mara, Perry Redd, Elissa Silverman and Paul Zukerberg.
We found that they have advanced the political discussion in the city and trust that they will continue in their own way once a new councilmember is chosen.
We have observed one candidate who, to our minds, has stood out and offers a new energy and slightly different and fresh perspective. In a city of Democrats, we find that the best candidate for this open council seat is Republican Patrick Mara.
His work and experience on the school board has been noteworthy, balancing public and charter schools’ concerns. He says he is committed to integrity in government, and we believe him. With a more fiscally conservative viewpoint — and here that is a good thing — he wants the District to tax less and be fairer to businesses. His campaign states that Mara would:
• Strengthen oversight of all District government spending
• Win budget autonomy from Congress
• Lower fees and other regulatory burdens that discourage businesses from locating in the District
• Freeze taxes at their current rates and begin a serious discussion about lowering burdens on homeowners.
We agree.
Mara has received a range of endorsements from the Fraternal Order of Police, Sierra Club and the D.C. Chamber of Commerce as well as from several newspapers and media outlets.
It is time to include this one: The Georgetowner endorses Patrick Mara for District Council. And it is time to vote for him Tuesday.