Another Pizzeria Coming to 34th & M?
By June 12, 2013 0 910
Another pizza joint might be coming to the corner of 34th and M Streets, in the old Philly Cheesesteak spot, once home to the legendary Cellar Door. It will be called Fuhggetaboutit New York Pizza. At its website,, the company promises true New York pizza, made with the correct ph level of N.Y.C. water. Its design concept—which involves a rooftop deck—was up for review by the Advisory Neighborhood Commission, May 31.
While the correct spelling and meaning of the Brooklynese phrase is in question—official New York City road signs for those exiting Brooklyn read “Fuhgeddaboudit”—the business’s frontman, Tony, has a blog that displays his search and love for authentic N.Y. pizza, not found easily in the Washington region.
Also, could you spell “Washington, D.C.,” properly on your website? I’m just sayin’.