Capital Bikeshare Underway
By June 18, 2013 0 749
-The District Department of Transportation and Arlington County have named the revamped, cross-city bike sharing system Capital Bikeshare. This name won the vote of public stakeholders who selected from a list of existing names, the runner-up having been the simple moniker “George.”
Capital Bikeshare is to be built upon the success of DDOT’s SmartBikeDC program, and plans to expand the operation to have 1,100 bicycles at 114 pickup/drop-off stations throughout the D.C. area and Arlington, and later expand further throughout Virginia and Maryland – the nation’s largest bike-sharing network.
All seven local District BID Councils are working together with DDOT to bring this project to life. The Downtown BID area now has four bike-sharing stations near Gallery Place, Judiciary Square, Metro Center and McPherson Square Metro stations. In keeping with the program’s largely interactive experience, encouraging public input from the very beginning, Capital Bikeshare continues to seek help from the ultimate benefactors and patrons by requesting public input to map out locations for more bike stations. To be a part of the program and suggest possible locations, visit