District Ranks Highest in Nation for Investments in Biking and Walking
By June 18, 2013 0 858
A report issued this month by the Alliance for Biking & Walking gives the District high marks for its commitment to bicycle and pedestrian programs. The report ranks all 50 states and the 51 largest U.S. cities on bicycling and walking levels, safety, funding and other factors. The District topped the list of cities with the highest per-capita funding for cycle and pedestrian facilities and education and spends $9.82 per resident to promote biking and walking.
The Alliance also found that the District has the second-highest share of commuters who walk to work, trailing only Boston, and the seventh-highest share of commuters who bike to work. In addition, only New York City can boast a lower rate of car ownership. More than 35 percent of District households do not own a vehicle.
D.C. also scored well on safety. Among the major cities surveyed, the District has the sixth-lowest fatality rate for cyclists and pedestrians. The nation’s capital is considered the fourth-safest city to bike in and the seventh-safest for walking.