Noise Task Force
By June 18, 2013 0 1066
A Noise Task Force, established by the Alcohol Beverage Control Board last March, has been working to recommend amendments to local laws and procedures related to establishments with ABC licenses. Comprised of residents, community leaders and business members, the Noise Task Force aims to find solutions to educate DC residents and ABC licensees about noise laws and their rights, clarify the role of DC agencies in enforcing noise regulations, and work on the prevention and solutions to developing citywide noise issues. The task force has developed 10 proposals before the ABC Board since its conception. The proposals range from tracking noise complaints and creating an after-hours hotline for the Alcohol Beverage Regulation Administration, to developing an Introduction to DC Nightlife Course for licensees and mandating that developers and Realtors disclose noise laws.
Hiram Brewton, DowntownDC BID’s director of Environmental Services, recently gave a presentation to the ABC Board and recommended that ABRA create an Early Assistance Team made up of ABRA and Metropolitan Police Department staff and members of the public.
The team would work to help mediate and resolve disputes between establishments and the community, provide intervention services for problem establishments, and operate a peer mentoring forum.
The ABC Board will be finalizing its recommendations based on the Task Force’s proposals and will be forwarding a package to Ward 1 Councilmember Jim Graham for his consideration later this week. The package will include some of the recommendations, including one about the Early Assistance Tea, a transcript of the November 2010 pubic hearing and two additional recommendations that would require legislative changes. For more information visit