Tenant Association to Produce Bedbug Play
By June 18, 2013 0 965
The Norwood Tenants Association, an 84-unit rent-controlled Apartment near Logan Circle, is in the midst of writing a play on bedbugs.
“We don’t have a building-wide infestation anymore, but we do have flare-ups,” co-president Silvia Salazar told the D.C. government’s second ever Bedbug Summit last month. Norwood Apartment tenants went before Congress in November to testify about the growing problem of bed bugs not only in their apartment building, but in the District.
Norwood residents have created the website StopBedBugs.org, and they’re now applying for grants to provide it with more resources.
The play will be written, directed and performed by Norwood tenants and will feature reenactments of bedbug-related issues. They are still awaiting funding by the Commission on Arts and Humanities to put on the play.
“The first thing we did was we came out of the closet,” Salazar told TBD. Bedbugs “are way more organized than we are … let’s just accept that they are here.”