Plan B Becomes Plan A
By June 20, 2013 0 1079
The Obama administration has decided to release the resistance against the age limit placed on the morning after pill.
The administration’s decision means that any woman or girl of any age can walk into a drugstore and purchase the pill, Plan B-One Step.
I think that every decision made by the current administration should be thought about in context to the time and culture that we live in. As a conservative, I cringe at decisions that seem to facilitate reckless behavior.
With that being said, I would definitely consider this new change to be of that nature. Personally, I think that this country is morally decaying from the inside out. Therefore, this addition does not completely surprise me.
In today’s culture, sexuality seems to be exploited to the highest degree. Evidence of this exploitation is clearly evident in almost everything we see and hear in media. By allowing females of any age to have free reign on the morning-after pill, severe repercussions can ensue.
I think that underage teenagers that are already sexually active will feel as though they can continue being careless because they have the “safety net” in the form of a tiny pill. This will only encourage people to be more sexually active, but probably at a younger age, as well.
Proponents of this change could easily make the argument that if a teenager wants the pill they can obtain it through other means.
However, making the pill so accessible will not only make the problem worse, but it gives the public a false sense of security. There is no 100-percent guarantee when taking any contraceptive.
I think my biggest questions to all of this are: “What’s next? How far will we go?”
Should we create more boundaries that will increase the likelihood of accountability and responsibility? Or should we continue to give people at any age the opportunity to make these personal decisions on their own?
Racquel Richards is a student at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia.