Out: Heiner Contemporary Arts at 1675
Wisconsin Ave., NW, departed artsy Book Hill
row early this month. The art gallery, run
by Margaret Heiner since 2011, decamps to
Farmington, Conn., where Heiner’s husband
moved to be a museum curator. The gallery
continues to exists as a website.
Out: The French Apartment, known for
its one-of-a-kind vintage furniture, at 1671
Wisconsin Ave., NW, will be the end of January.
Owner Kathleen McGarrah may continue her
business online. Check TheFrenchApartment.
In: Hill & Dale Record Parlor in Canal
Square — in the former Parrish Gallery space
— with a Feb. 7 grand opening as well as an
exhibit by rock photographer Peter Simon. It
sells vinyl records, rock music posters, artwork
and photographs.
IN: UTB Boutique at 3147 Dumbarton
St., NW, next to the Bank of America parking
lot, has replaced the western wear shop. It sells
“sexy wear,” “romance baskets” and other adult
items. Its website — UnderneathTheBed.com —
is for those over 18 years of age. Be sure to see
the “Rub My Duckie” toy.