Wisconsin Avenue Traffic: 2 Lanes Return to Glover Park; 35th at Wisconsin to Go Two-Way
By February 13, 2014 0 684
As expected and previously reported, it’s back to the way it was for the traffic lanes on Wisconsin Avenue between Calvert Street and 34th Street. The District Department of Transportation plans to complete the changes in late March.
The dedicated left-turn lanes will be erased. Two lanes in each direction will return to the avenue, as existed before the DDOT re-do two years ago.
The DDOT attempted to slow down traffic along the Glover Park corridor of Wisconsin Avenue, but the changes led to major traffic slowdowns in the area. The community complaints were heard, and the change back was approved. There will still be some traffic calming signs at Garfield Street.
Part of the changes that continue for Wisconsin Avenue is the plan for a traffic light at 35th Street and Wisconsin — as well as traffic going both ways on that one block of 35th. As it has been for years, 35th at Wisconsin is open in southbound traffic. One cannot drive north from 35th Street onto Wisconsin Avenue.
That configuration will change. It will be a two-phase job with the traffic light being set up first — which will allow time for construction. There will also be time for community comment. Crosswalks will be changed or moved. One of the two lights at Whitehaven and Wisconsin will be eliminated.