Georgetown Love Notes

Flowers and love songs, shared passions and passion for each other. Like loves like and sometimes the opposite. A hero or heroine, thinking, saying, “I would die for you, and definitely cry for you.” The love that endures into time’s long years. Being there when it counts. Remembering a rose or a favorite song. Being the one person who makes the other person laugh and being the other person who laughs even when it’s not funny. Being there when you need no one but the other. Thinking that the future is boundless because the someone that has your back is standing right in front of you…or lying beside you.
These are a few of things that come to mind as Valentine Day’s approaches. And these are a few of our favorite people: couples who exemplify all that and more.

Amy & Martin Gammon
Martin Gammon, vice president, Bonhams Auctioneers, Washington, D.C.
Amy Maniatis, National Geographic Society executive vice president and CMO

How they met: They met at a dinner party in 1990 at Berkeley on Gammon’s first day in California, after he drove across the U.S. from New York. Both majored in philosophy at Berkeley.

Their first date was at the famed “beatnik” Vesuvio Cafe in North Beach, San Francisco.

Their favorite date night is to walk one block to the small bar at 1789, where bartender Bob Jordan (as seen on cover) the gives free advice. Great spot for a romantic dinner.

The wedding: They married in 1995 in Carmel, Calif., at Mission Ranch, which is owned by Clint Eastwood, who was Mayor of Carmel in the 1990s. Eastwood happened to be at the bar during their wedding and greeted the bride and her maid of honor.

On many Valentine’s Days, the couple and their two daughter are at their place in Baja California — and go see the whales in the Pacific.
(Both daughters — Lucy and Chloe — attend Holy Trinity School.)

How to keep the spark: “Bunsen burner, ha-ha. Just be each other’s best friend,” says Martin. And “Spontaneity,” added Amy.

Future plans or happening now: The British Virgin Islands

Bob and Gwen Jordan
Bob,1789 bartender (Also on cover as ‘favorite date night location’)
Where they met: At a bar in Arlington (Capitol City Brewery); he was a bartender there.
How to keep that spark: We laugh all the time.
Coming from a military family, Bob grew up in Arlington.
The Jordans live in Vienna, Va. Their special date-night place is a sentimental favorite, Artie’s in Fairfax.

Michele and Jack Evans
Michele Evans, interior designer
Jack Evans, D.C. Councilmember, Ward 2

How they met: Friends in Georgetown thought we would be a great couple so they managed to get us in the same place at the same time and with his schedule it wasn’t easy!

When they ‘knew’: Well, you know that it’s love you share, but marriage is a huge commitment so we took almost four years to make that large leap of faith.

The wedding: We got married in September of 2010 and every year we learn more about what makes a marriage work and how to compromise on the small stuff and you learn that most of it is the small stuff.
Biggest surprise you learned after you got married: It takes unconditional love and the dog sleeps wherever she wants!
Future plans or happening now: What’s happening right now is that it’s JACK EVANS for MAYOR and it’s a full time, full press and don’t forget to VOTE mode!

How to keep the spark alive: We try and keep the spark a flame!

Favorite date night plans in Georgetown: We both love the movies so we get our night started on K Street with a flick and popcorn followed up with a fun dinner or drinks. Sometimes it can be as simple as burgers down at Tony and Joe’s with the added entertainment of people watching. We both like Martins and try and keep it simple in Georgetown. Jack loves a cold Budweiser and sometimes it’s just date night on our bedroom deck looking at the stars and drinking frozen margaritas with my secret ingredient.

Happy Valentine’s day
Michele and Jack

Art and Margaret Heimbold
Margaret, Long and Foster Realtor
Art, founder and chairman of Summerville Senior Services

How they met: We were introduced by mutual friends.

When they ‘knew’: About a year after we met.

Married for: 30 years

Biggest surprise after you got married: We were married in Princeton, New Jersey and my husband moved the next month to Washington, DC.

Future plans or happening now: To enjoy each other’s company in our lovely house in Georgetown. Being parents to six children and grandparents to 11 grandchildren.

How to keep the spark alive: We take great fun in planning trips to museums, art galleries, historic sites, out of town places within a car drive and returning to our favorite vacation spots. We both write and are very creative. And importantly, each of us has served on boards and volunteered for many organizations in the city.

Favorite date night plans in Georgetown: There are so many fun things to do in Georgetown, it would be difficult to pick just one. But mostly we stay in Georgetown, act like we are vacationing and enjoy the opportunity that the community presents.

Nancy and Alan Bubes
Nancy Taylor Bubes, Washington Fine Properties Realtor
Alan Bubes, former president and CEO of Linens of the Week

How they met: Alan’s mother called me on a listing for a house.

When they ‘knew’: About three weeks before we eloped- Lake Tahoe…this was after five years.

Married for: 24 years

Biggest surprise you learned after you got married: That we were going to be a two toothpaste family.

Future plans or happening now: We are going to Amsterdam and Brussels for Valentine’s Day this week

How to keep the spark alive: I try to not bitch too much in the kitchen.

Favorite date night plans in Georgetown: Dinner, movies and a walk home…and Thomas Sweets.

Robin and Jeff Jones
Robin, CAG gala co-chair
Jeff, Georgetown advisory neighborhood commissioner

How they met: We were introduced by mutual friends. Surprisingly, we had many friends in common and attended many of the same events yet had never met.

When they ‘knew’: We knew fairly soon and were married in about 1 1/2 years.

Married for: 17 years

Biggest surprise you learned after you got married: Hmmmm… Can’t think of anything in the big category

Plans for the future together or happening now: Keep having fun and taking lots of vacations! This year we are taking our family to Kauai. Happening now- answering this questionnaire on a Caribbean island with friends from Georgetown.

Elizabeth and Paul Centenari
Elizabeth, owner of THE Artist Agency
Paul, CEO Atlas Container

How they met: My famous expression: The North, met the South, in the West and live in the East. I grew up in Kentucky, Paul in Boston, we met in Colorado and live in D.C. My girlfriend and I were having dinner at a restaurant and Paul and his brother approached us. Paul talked to my girlfriend and I talked to his brother. Basically I shook Paul’s hand and said hello and goodnight. I called my mom when I left the restaurant and said I’ve just said hello and goodnight to the man that I will marry.

When they ‘knew’: I knew the first night we met. Paul knew the day we got married

The Wedding: Together for 28 years, married for 25. We walked down the aisle to “Ain’t too proud to Beg” by The Temptations at our wedding and we both have it saved in our cars as the first song on our playlist!

Biggest surprise you learned you got married: Paul wanted children right away (our wedding night!) I wanted to wait several years. Our first daughter was born 4 years later

Plans for the future together or happening now: We will keep dedicating our time to our careers, our family and our charity, Hope for Children. We plan on spending more time in Africa helping the children at HFC.

How to keep the spark alive: We make time to chat, either at the beginning or the end of every day. Some of our best talks are over coffee on a Sat/Sun morning. The spark stays alive as long as we keep talking and laughing. Date nights help too!

Favorite date night plans in Georgetown: A quick bite at our favorite spot, Peacock Cafe and a movie on K Street. If Thomas Sweet is still open after the show, we hit that on the way home


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