Georgetown-Burleith ANC Meets Tonight

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E will hold its July meeting, 6:30 p.m., tonight, June 30, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place, NW, Heritage Room, main building, second floor. The following is tonight’s meeting agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.

Approval of the Agenda

• Approval of June 30, 2014, ANC 2E Public Meeting Agenda


– Approval of June 2, 2014, Meeting Minutes

– Public Safety and Police Report

– Financial Report

– Transportation Report

– DPW Report

– Introduction of ANC 2E Commissioner Dennis Quinn for SMD 08

– Designation of ANC 2E Secretary

Community Comment

– George Washington University will provide updates on the partnership with the Corcoran College of Art and Design, focusing on the 35th Street building.

New Business

– Taste of Georgetown – Georgetown BID

– Rose Park Movie Night, Permit Application No. 15056 – August 28, 2014

– Use of public space during construction projects

– Georgetown BID reauthorization


– 3050 K Street, NW, Orange Anchor, ABRA-095194, new license, petition date July 14 (max hours, with summer garden)


– GU/MedStar application for approval of a proton therapy center, Z.C. Case No. 10-32B (the hearing is June 26 but GU/MedStar have asked to hold the record open for 10 days after the 26th so ANC 2E can consider the application and file comments)

Old Georgetown Board

SMD 06, Government of the District of Columbia, Department of General Services, D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation, OG 14-251 (HPA 14-492) 2609 Dumbarton Street, NW – 2590 P Street, NW – Rose Park, Alterations to playground, ADA ramp, and site work, Permit

SMD 05, M Street and Wisconsin Avenue Bus Stops, OG 14-248 (HPA 14-489) Digital Transit Screen Pilot Program, Concept

SMD 06, 2715 N Street NW, OG 14-143 (HPA 14-283) Alexander Memorial Baptist Church – Rectory, additions and alterations, Revised Concept

SMD 06, 2717 N Street NW, OG 14-225 (HPA 14-430) Alexander Memorial Baptist Church – Vacant lot, new construction, revised concept

SMD 06, 2709 N Street NW, OG 14-227 (HPA 14-432) Alexander Memorial Baptist Church, alterations, revised concept


1. SMD 05, 3000 M Street, NW, OG 14-130 (HPA 14-270) Mixed-use, Partial demolition, addition, alterations, Revised Concept

2. SMD 05, 3614 Prospect Street, NW, OG 14-264 (HPA 14-505) Residence, Partial demolition, 3-story rear and rooftop addition, alterations to front, replacement windows, Concept

3. SMD 06, 1521 29th Street, NW, OG 14-252 (HPA 14-493) Residence, Alterations to front yard and to driveway, Concept/Permit

4. SMD 06, 1521 29th Street, NW, OG 14-199 (HPA 14-402) Residence, Replacement wood fences, terraces, Permit – revised design

5. SMD 06, 3014 O Street, NW, OG 14-256 (HPA 14-497) Residence,
Addition at 2nd floor, alterations to rear, Concept

6. SMD 06, 3018 P Street, NW, OG 14-261 (HPA 14-502) Residence, One-story rear addition to replace open porch, alterations, Concept

7. SMD 06, 3023 P Street, NW, OG 14-266 (HPA 14-507) Residence, Demolition, 3-story rear addition plus basement, Concept

8. SMD 07, 2920 R Street, NW, OG 14-246 (HPA 14-487) Residence, Partial demolition, additions, alterations, pool and pool house, Concept

9. SMD 01, 1813 35th Street, NW, OG 14-253 (HPA 14-494) Residences, Addition, alterations, site work, replacement windows and doors, Concept

10. SMD 02, 3329 Q Street, NW, OG 14-238 (HPA 14-473) Residence, Fence and wall – existing, Permit

11. SMD 02, 3320 Reservoir Road, NW, OG 14-257 (HPA 14-498) Residence, Partial demolition, rear and side yard additions, site work, Concept

12. SMD 02, 1623 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-249 (HPA 14-490) Commercial, Alterations to storefront, Concept

13. SMD 03, 1525 34th Street, NW, OG 14-205 (HPA 14-410) Residence, Site work at front yard: fences, storage bins, walkway, gates – existing, Permit – revised design

14. SMD 03, 3238 P Street, NW, OG 14-103 (HPA 14-206) Residence, Two- story rear addition, Revised Concept

15. SMD 03, 1314 Potomac Street, NW, OG 14-231 (HPA 14-481) Private alley, Chain link fences and gates, Permit

16. SMD 03, 1351 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-250 (HPA 14-491) Commercial, Pedestrian gate at alley, Permit

No Review At This Time by ANC 2E: The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming July 3, 2014, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board, have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, June 27, 2014.

1. SMD 01, 3800 Reservoir Road, NW, OG 14-241 (HPA 14-478) MedStar Georgetown University Hospital – Pasquerilla Center, Alterations to entrance, Permit

2. SMD 02, 1552 33rd Street, NW, OG 14-150 (HPA 14-319) Residence, Replacement metal fence on areaway, Permit – additional information

3. SMD 02, 1665 34th Street, NW, OG 14-242 (HPA 14-479) Residence, Rear deck, Permit

4. SMD 02, 1667 34th Street, NW, OG 14-243 (HPA 14-480) Residence, Rear deck, Permit

5. SMD 02, 1545 35th Street, NW, OG 14-255 (HPA 14-496) Residence, Replacement driveway and alterations to front yard, Permit

6. SMD 02, 3336 Dent Place, NW, OG 14-175 (HPA 14-346) Residence, 3-story rear addition, alterations to front, Revised Concept

7. SMD 02, 3424 Reservoir Road, NW, OG 14-234 (HPA 14-484) Residence, Replacement windows – existing, Permit – revised design

8. SMD 02, 1641 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-232 (HPA 14-482) Commercial, Awning and signs – Washington Printmakers Gallery, Permit

9. SMD 02, 1641 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-233 (HPA 14-483) Commercial, Pole-mounted sign – Washington Printmakers Gallery, Permit

10. SMD 02, 1673 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-254 (HPA 14-495) Commercial, Alterations for new window well on side yard, Permit

11. SMD 03, 1525 34th Street, NW, OG 14-205 (HPA 14-410) Residence, Site work at front yard: fences, storage bins, walkway, gates – existing, Permit – revised design

12. SMD 03, 3265 N Street, NW, OG 14-209 (HPA 14-414) Residence, Alterations to garage, Revised Concept

13. SMD 03, 3238 P Street, NW, OG 14-103 (HPA 14-206) Residence, Two- story rear addition, Revised Concept

14. SMD 03, 3422 P Street, NW, OG 14-259 (HPA 14-500) Residence, Alterations to carriage house, Permit

15. SMD 03, 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 13-229 (HPA 13-401) Commercial, Rear addition at second story, Permit – revised design (per DCRA

16. SMD 05, 3050 K Street, NW, OG 14-228 (HPA 14-433) Commercial, Alterations to storefront, signs – The Orange Anchor, Concept

17. SMD 05, 3061 M Street, NW, OG 14-240 (HPA 14-477) Commercial, Alterations to storefront, Permit

18. SMD 05, 3104 M Street, NW, OG 14-263 (HPA 14-504) Commercial, Rear addition, Permit

19. SMD 05, 3303 M Street, NW, OG 14-244 (HPA 14-485) Commercial, Alterations to storefront, sign – Alice and Olivia by Stacey Bendet, Concept

20. SMD 05, 3330 M Street, rear, NW, OG 14-235 (HPA 14-469) Commercial, Alterations for new storefront at Cady’s Alley, Permit

21. SMD 05, 2810 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, OG 14-190 (HPA 14-389) Commercial, Sidewalk café on public space, awning and signs – Eno – existing, Permit

22. SMD 05, 3410 Prospect Street, NW, OG 14-206 (HPA 14-411) Residence, Alterations to rear, terraces, Revised Concept

23. SMD 05, 1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, OG 14-247 (HPA 14-488) Office building, Back-lit address numbers, Permit

24. SMD 05, 1071 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, OG 14-265 (HPA 14-506) Mixed-use Internally-illuminated blade box sign – Curio, Permit

25. SMD 05, 3601-3607 M Street, NW, OG 14-113 (HPA 14-220) Residential, New building, Revised Concept

26. SMD 06, 2929 M Street, NW, OG 14-182 (HPA 14-354) Commercial, Alterations to ATM, Revised Concept, (Reviewed: 5 June 2014)

27. SMD 06, 3009 M Street, NW, OG 14-268 (HPA 14-509) Commercial, Sign – Free People, Concept

28. SMD 06, 3030 P Street, NW, OG 14-267 (HPA 14-508) Residence, Revised windows and doors at rear addition, fence, Permit – revised design

29. SMD 07, 1623 28th Street, NW, OG 14-207 (HPA 14-412) Residence – Evermay, Greenhouse and driveway repaving, Revised Concept

30. SMD 07, 1699 31st Street, NW, OG 14-258 (HPA 14-499) Residence, Alterations to front stairs, Permit

31. SMD 07, 2500 Q Street, NW, OG 14-188 (HPA 14-385) Gateway Georgetown Condominiums, Rooftop antennas with enclosures, equipment platform, Permit – revised design

32. SMD 07, 2528-2530-2532 Q Street, NW, OG 14-237 (HPA 14-472) Residence, Replacement windows – existing, Permit

33. SMD 07, 3059 Q Street, NW, OG 14-262 (HPA 14-503) Residence, Replace metal roof, Permit

34. SMD 07, 2816 R Street, NW, OG 14-239 (HPA 14-474) Residence, Dormer, alterations, site work: areaways on public space, Concept

35. SMD 07, 3016 1?2 R Street, NW, OG 14-260 (HPA 14-501) Residence, New window opening, Permit

36. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-245 (HPA 14-486) Georgetown University – NET hall, Foundation-to-grade , utility work, Permit

37. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-214 (HPA 14-419) Georgetown University – Ryan and Mulledy Halls, Alterations and renovation, Permit

Agenda submitted June 23 — GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2, 3265 S Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20007 — 202-724-7098 — —


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