Georgetown-Burleith ANC Meets Tonight: Dumpsters, Latham Condos, Penn. Ave. Bridge Repair

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E will hold its October meeting, 6:30 p.m., tonight, Sept. 29, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place, NW, Heritage Room, main building, second floor. This following is tonight’s meeting agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.

Approval of the Agenda

Approval of September 29, 2014, ANC Public Meeting Agenda


Approval of September 2, 2014, Meeting Minutes Public Safety Report Financial Report and FY 2015 Budget Transportation Report — Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge Repairs DPW Report

Introduction of first-time candidates for ANC 2E.

Community Comment

New Business

DDOT– Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge Construction Plans

Georgetown BID proposal for pedestrian use during one weekend in October of a parking lane in one block of M Street.
Volta Park Day

A proposal to name the alley behind 3213-3227 Volta Place, NW.

Dumpsters on residential streets in Georgetown and Burleith

Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of D.C. Home Rule


3401 K St. NW, Gypsy Sally’s Acoustic Tavern, LLC., ABRA license No. 090582

2622 P St. NW, After Peacock Room, Inc., ABRA license No. 095964

Bon Appetit Management Co. for the Georgetown University Healey Family Student Center Pub, ABRA license No. 096001


3000 M Street, NW, Latham Hotel, BZA 18845, Application for variance relief from the rear yard, parking, and loading requirements and special exception approval to locate 20 parking spaces in an off-site parking facility to permit the conversion of an existing hotel with accessory retail into a mixed-use residential and retail building (Hearing Date 10/28/14).

Old Georgetown Board


1. SMD 02,1826 Wisconsin Avenue, NW. OG 14-320 (HPA 14-601) Commercial 2-story rear addition, roof deck at 3rd floor, green wall Revised Concept

2. SMD 03, 3137 O Street, NW. OG 14-287 (HPA 14-564) Residence 2-story rear addition Revised Concept

3. SMD 03, 3127 Dumbarton Street, NW. OG 14-345 (HPA 14-678) Residence Roof deck – existing Permit

4. SMD 05, 3220 Prospect Street, NW. OG 14-353 (HPA 14-686) (Square 1207, Lots 104, 838-841, 843, 906) New construction Concept

No Review At This Time by ANC 2E: The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming October 2, 2014, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board, have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, September 26th, 2014.

1. SMD 02, 3413 R Street, NW. OG 14-318 (HPA 14-599) Residence 2-story rear addition plus basement Permit

2. SMD 02, 3336 Dent Place, NW. OG 14-350 (HPA 14-683) Residence Replacement windows Permit

3. SMD 02, 3339 Reservoir Road, NW. OG 14-337 (HPA 14-670) Residence Replacement railing on front stairs – existing Permit

4. SMD 03, 1233 33rd Street, NW. OG 14-336 (HPA 14-669) Residence Replace front door Permit

5. SMD 03, 1525 34th Street, NW. OG 14-278 (HPA 14-551) Residence Alterations – existing Permit

6. SMD 03, 1519 35th Street, NW. OG 14-351 (HPA 14-684) Residence Alterations to rear yard, retaining wall, fence Permit

7. SMD 03, 3245 N Street, NW. OG 14-343 (HPA 14-676) Residence Railing – revised design Permit

8. SMD 03,3265 N Street, NW. OG 14-330 (HPA 14-646) Residence Addition and alterations to garage Permit

9. SMD 03, 3238 P Street, NW. OG 14-103 (HPA 14-206) Residence Two-story rear addition Revised Concept

10. SMD 03, 3240 P Street, NW. OG 14-352 (HPA 14-685) Commercial 2-story rear addition with basement Permit

11. SMD 03, 3343 P Street, NW. OG 14-342 (HPA 14-675) Residence Alterations to front balcony, new window well at rear, replacement garage door Permit

12. SMD 05, 3050 K Street, NW. OG 14-270 (HPA 14-514) Commercial Alterations to storefront, signs – The Orange Anchor Permit

13. SMD 05, 3306 M Street, NW, rear. OG 14-356 (HPA 14-689) Commercial Illumination of banners – Janus et Cie and Design Within Reach Permit

14. SMD 05, 3315 M Street, NW (also known as 3315 Cady’s Alley, NW). OG 14-360 (HPA 14-693) Commercial Illumination of banner – Leopold’s Permit

15. SMD 05, 3318 M Street, NW. OG 14-359 (HPA 14-692) Commercial Illumination of stairs Permit

16. SMD 05, 3338 M Street, NW, Rear. OG 14-366 (HPA 14-699) Commercial Illuminated planting strips Permit

17. SMD 05, 3600 M Street, NW. OG 14-329 (HPA 14-612) Mixed-use Alterations to wood doors, replacement aluminum windows and storefront Permit

18. SMD 05, 3069 Canal Street, NW. OG 14-324 (HPA 14-605) Residence Rear addition, replacement doors Concept

19. SMD 05, 3207 Grace Street, NW. OG 14-315 (HPA 14-596) Commercial Roof top deck, sign Revised Concept

20. SMD 05, 2800 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW . OG 14-328 (HPA 14-609) Hotel Rooftop antennas behind screen walls – AT&T Permit

21. SMD 05, 3246 Prospect Street, NW. OG 14-293 (HPA 14-572) Commercial Partial demolition, 2-story rear addition, basement Revised Concept

22. SMD 05, 3100 South Street, NW . OG 14-327 (HPA 14-608) Mixed-use Rooftop antennas behind screen wall, and alterations to penthouse – AT&T Concept

23. SMD 05, 1055 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (formerly known as 1045 Wisconsin Avenue, NW). OG 14-344 (HPA 14-677) Residential Signs Permit

24. SMD 06, 2929 M Street, NW. OG 14-335 (HPA 14-668) Commercial
Alterations to storefront Permit

25. SMD 06, 3025 M Street, NW. OG 14-341 (HPA 14-674) Commercial Sign – American Apparel

26. SMD 06, 2715 N Street NW. OG 14-143 (HPA 14-283) Alexander Memorial Baptist Church – Rectory Addition, alterations, site work Revised Concept

27. SMD 06, 2924 N Street, NW. OG 14-298 (HPA 14-579) Residence Replacement windows, siding, fence, alterations to rear, roof top HVAC Concept

28. SMD 06, 3014 O Street, NW. OG 14-313 (HPA 14-594) Residence Addition at 2nd floor, alterations to rear Revised Concept

29. SMD 06, 3044 O Street, NW. OG 14-333 (HPA 14-665) Residence Alterations to fences, stone and CMU walls Permit

30. SMD 06, 3023 P Street, NW. OG 14-266 (HPA 14-507) Residence Demolition, 2-story rear addition with basement Concept

31. SMD 06, 3025 P Street, NW. OG 14-348 (HPA 14-681) Residence Alterations to rear Permit

32. SMD 07,1633 31st Street, NW. OG 14-301 (HPA 14-582) Residence One-story rear addition with roof terrace, new garage Revised Concept

33. SMD 07,1645 31st Street, NW. OG 14-314 (HPA 14-595) Residence Site work: fence, gates, terraces, swimming pool, landscaping Permit – revised design

34. SMD 07, 1671 31st Street, NW. OG 14-236 (HPA 14-471) Residence Site work: front stairs Permit

35. SMD 07, 2528-2530-2532 Q Street, NW. OG 14-237 (HPA 14-472) Residence Replacement windows – existing Permit

36. SMD 07, 2920 R Street, NW. OG 14-246 (HPA 14-487) Residence Partial demolition, additions, alterations, underground garage Revised Concept

37. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW. OG 14-292 (HPA 14-571) Georgetown University Site work for bus stops at McDonough Gym Revised Concept

38. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW. OG 14-311 (HPA 14-592) Georgetown University – Ryan and Mulledy Halls Alterations and site work Revised Concept

39. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW. OG 14-332 (HPA 14-664) Georgetown University – Dahlgren Chapel Installation of Healy Hall crosses on berm, landscaping Permit

40. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW. OG 14-334 (HPA 14-666) Georgetown University – Reiss Science Center Antennas mounted to penthouse – Sprint Permit.


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