Georgetown-Burleith ANC Meets Tonight: Hyde-Addison School; C&O Canal Dock

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E will hold its December meeting, 6:30 p.m., tonight, Dec. 1, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place, NW, Heritage Room, main building, second floor. This following is tonight’s meeting agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.

Approval of the Agenda

Approval of December 1, 2014, ANC 2E Public Meeting Agenda


Approval of November 3, 2014 Minutes.

Approval of FY2014 Fourth Quarter financial report.

Transportation Report

Public Safety Report

DPW Report

New Business:

Introduction of new commissioners-elect and retiring commissioners.
Fiola Mare request for daytime valet parking staging area.

Community Comment ABC

Via Umbria, 1525 Wisconsin Ave., NW, ABRA-097178
Epicurean & Co., Georgetown University
J. Paul’s, 3218 M St., NW, ABRA-72358


1351 LLC, 1351 Wisconsin Ave., NW BZA # 18884

Old Georgetown Board


1. 3219 O Street, NW

Hyde-Addison Elementary School Addition Concept

2. National Park Service C & O Canal National Historical Park

C&O Canal at 34th Street, NW New dock Concept


1. SMD 02 OG 15-057

1544 33rd Street, NW — Residence One-story rear addition, alterations

2. SMD 03 OG 15-012

3206 N Street, NW

Commercial Alterations, replacement curtain wall, sign pylon and covering

3. SMD 03 OG 15-054

1351 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Alterations, new windows, sunken courtyard at rear
Permit – revised design

4. SMD 03 OG 14-321

1513 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Rooftop and rear additions Revised concept

5. SMD 03 OG 15-048

1525 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Alterations to front and rear, sign – Via Umbria

6. SMD 03 OG 15-040

1529 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Awnings, menu boxes, sign, lights
Yummi Crawfish Seafood restaurant – existing Permit

7. SMD 05 OG 15-052

1132 29th Street, NW

Rear additions, alterations

8. SMD 05 OG 14-279

1223 34th Street, NW




9. SMD 05 OG 14-346 1065

Thomas Jefferson Street, NW


Additions and alterations

Revised concept

10. SMD 05 OG 15-042

3333 M Street, NW

Replacement garage door

11. SMD 05 OG 15-039

1065 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Sign – Nadeau

12. SMD 05 OG 15-020

1218 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Alterations to rear fence for incinerator

13. SMD 05 OG 15-036

1218 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Retractable skylight enclosure of rear yard
Permit / Concept

No Review at this Time by ANC 2E: The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming December 4, 2014, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board, have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review, and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, November 28, 2014.

1. SMD 02 OG 15-056

1519 35th Street, NW

Residence Alterations to masonry openings on carriage house Concept
RECOMMENDATION: Returned without Action. Submission materials and a site visit on 18 November 2014 indicate that proposed alterations to masonry openings on west wall of carriage house would not be visible from a public thoroughfare. Refer to the Historic Preservation Review Board.

2. SMD 02 OG 15-051

3235 R Street, NW

Residence One-story rear addition, alterations to pergola

3. SMD 02 OG 14-349 3252 S Street, NW (Square 2154, Lot 852)

Site alterations Revised concept

4. SMD 02 OG 15-046 3246 Jones Court, NW


Replacement windows


5. SMD 02 OG 14-369 3252 Jones Court, NW

Replacement windows

6. SMD 02 OG 15-015 1728 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Demolition, 3-story building
Revised concept

7. SMD 02 OG 14-320

1826 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Two-story rear addition, roof deck, green wall
Revised concept

8. SMD 03 OG 14-370

1411 33rd Street, NW

Replacement windows

9. SMD 03 OG 15-019

1413 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Replacement windows – existing

10. SMD 05 OG 15-050

1032 29th Street, NW

Alterations, replacement door and gate

11. SMD 05 OG 15-044

1054 31st Street, NW

Commercial Replacement doors

12. SMD 05 OG 15-041

1028 33rd Street, NW

Commercial Sign – Thomas Moser

13. SMD 05 OG 14-329

3600 M Street, NW

Mixed-use Alterations to wood doors, replacement aluminum windows and storefront

14. SMD 05 OG 15-047

3330 Cady’s Alley, NW

Commercial Alterations to masonry openings Concept

15. SMD 05 OG 15-058

3069 Canal Street, NW

Residence Rear addition, replacement doors Permit

16. SMD 06 OG 14-289

1216 30th Street, NW

Residence Roof replacement Permit

17. SMD 06 OG 15-027

1319 30th Street, NW

Residence Alterations Concept

18.SMD06 OG15-055

1319 30th Street, NW

Residence Alterations Concept

19. SMD 07 OG 15-030

1633 31st Street, NW

Residence New garage Permit

20. SMD 07 OG 15-045

2703 P Street, NW

Residence Replacement front stairs and fence Permit / concept

21. SMD 07 OG 15-017

2523 Q Street, NW

Residence New window openings on side wall Permit

22. SMD 07 OG 15-007

2715 Q Street, NW (Square 1285, Lot 801)

Dumbarton House Replacement garage door Permit

23. SMD 07 OG 15-008

1901 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Commercial Awning, alterations Permit

24. SMD 08 OG 14-264

3614 Prospect Street, NW

Residence Partial demolition, 2-story rear/ rooftop addition, alterations to front, replacement windows
Revised concept

25. OG 14-292

3700 O Street, NW

Georgetown University Site work for new bus turnaround

26. OG 15-049

3700 O Street, NW Georgetown University – Ryan and Mulledy Halls

Alterations and site work

27. OG 15-037 —

3700 O Street, NW Georgetown University – J.R. Thompson Intercollegiate Athletic Center

New construction

28. OG 14-353 —

3220 Prospect Street, NW

New construction

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E — 3265 S St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20007 — 202-724-7098 — —


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