Supplements: Myth vs. Fact
By April 23, 2015 0 1433
Smart use of dietary supplements can definitely enhance the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. However, clever marketers make it very hard for consumers to make good choices. Here are eight supplement myths and facts to help you become a more informed consumer:
Fact: You should keep most of your supplements in the fridge. This is especially true for fish oil, because the beneficial omega-3 fats become rancid when exposed to heat, light or oxygen. This will also extend the shelf life of all supplements.
Myth: There are supplements that can target belly fat, or that will cause you to lose weight without changing your lifestyle. It would be nice if results came in a pill. However, the fact is that no supplement has ever been proven effective at targeting any specific body part, nor has there even been proof that a supplement can help you lose weight without diet and exercise.
Fact: The FDA has found hidden drugs in dietary supplements. The FDA has found more than 100 weight-loss supplements that contain hidden prescription drugs (including generic Viagra and seizure meds) and/or drugs so dangerous they’re not approved for use in the U.S. Beware of pills or drinks making big promises.
Myth: Taking vitamins means you can skip the vegetables. The truth is that supplements are only that: supplements. They help to fill in the little gaps in a healthy diet and lifestyle, but can’t take the place of nutrient-dense foods.
Fact: “All natural” doesn’t mean something is good for you. “Natural” only means that the product doesn’t have artificial colors or flavors – nothing more.
Myth: If a multi-vitamin makes your pee yellow, this means you didn’t absorb any of it. Just a little bit of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) turns your urine yellow. You’re still absorbing most of what was in that pill. If the color bothers you, drink more water.
Myth: Drinking protein shakes will give you bodybuilder-sized muscles. The enormous muscles on professional bodybuilders are the result of superior genetics, decades of 24/7 dedication and pharmaceutical assistance. There’s no powder or pill that can give anyone huge muscles.
Fact: Drinking a protein recovery shake accelerates progress. Extra protein after a workout helps you lose fat and tone up faster than if you only drink water.
A best-selling author and fitness expert with 16 years of experience, Josef Brandenburg owns The Body You Want club in Georgetown. Information about his 14-Day Personal Training Experience may be found at