An Inspiring Bicentennial for Mt. Zion
By October 12, 2016 0 1066
With loud praises to Jesus, Mt. Zion United Methodist Church marked its two centuries in Georgetown at a gala at the Washington Marriott Georgetown Sept. 30. Pastor Johnsie Cogman welcomed steadfast supporters of the church, founded in October 1816 by 125 free and enslaved black Methodists as “The Little Ark.” Council member Anita Bonds proclaimed Mt. Zion Day, and Achord, a men’s a capella group, led the assembled in song — including R&B and doo-wop. Said Cogman: “Mt. Zion, I am so proud and honored to serve as your pastor. You have stood the test of time for 200 years. Continue standing, sowing and serving! God’s bountiful blessing for many more years. Our journey continues.” Can we get an ‘Amen’?
- Sharon Lockwood, Belinda Winslow, Rev. Dr. Johnsie Cogman and Liz Medaglia. Photo by Robert Devaney.
- Master of ceremonies Willie Jolley, Crystal Myles and keynote speaker Rev. Dr. Kevass Harding of Wichita, Kansas. Photo by Robert Devaney.