Weekend Round Up January 12, 2017

**NSO with Pianist Jeremy Denk**
JANUARY 12TH, 2017 AT 07:00 PM | $15 TO $89 | TEL: 202-467-4600 | [EVENT WEBSITE](https://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/NRCSF)

The National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sir Mark Elder, will perform Stravinsky’s “The Firebird,” Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Legend of the Invisible City Suite” and Ravel’s “Piano Concerto for the Left Hand in D Major” with soloist Jeremy Denk. Also Friday 1/13 at 11:30 a.m. and Saturday 1/14 at 8 p.m.

Kennedy Center, 2700 F St. NW

**Opening Reception: ‘Two for the Road’**
JANUARY 13TH, 2017 AT 06:00 PM | FREE | TEL: 301-951-9441 | [EVENT WEBSITE](http://waverlystreetgallery.com/twofortheroad/)

This exhibition of photographs by Kate Stillwell and Wil Scott reveals how the two use their cameras to record the unfolding of captured moments: the people, places and events encountered on their travels.

Waverly Street Gallery, 4600 East-West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland

**’Don’t Rain on My Parade: 75 Years of Streisand’**
JANUARY 13TH, 2017 AT 08:00 PM | $55 TO $75 | TEL: 202-994-6800 | [EVENT WEBSITE](https://lisner.gwu.edu/dont-rain-my-parade-75-years-streisand)

Fran Drescher hosts an American Pops Orchestra celebration of legendary artist and 10-time Grammy winner Barbara Streisand, who turns 75 on April 24. The parade of special Broadway guests will include Amber Iman (“Shuffle Along”), Lindsay Mendez (“Wicked”) and Laura Osnes (“Cinderella”).

GW Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st St. NW

**’The Mystique of the Chic Physique’**
JANUARY 14TH, 2017 AT 09:30 AM | $90 TO $140 | TEL: 202-633-3030 | [EVENT WEBSITE](https://smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/reserve.aspx?ID=236297)

From prehistoric times onward, art has reflected, chronicled and shaped constantly changing standards of what we consider beautiful in the human form. In this Smithsonian Associates program, art historian Janetta Rebold Benton traces what these depiction of men and women — both clothed and not — reveal about the periods in which they were created.

Smithsonian S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW

**National Philharmonic Plays Bach**
JANUARY 14TH, 2017 AT 08:00 PM | $23 TO $82 | TEL: 301-581-5100 | [EVENT WEBSITE](http://www.nationalphilharmonic.org/subscriptions-tickets/bach-double.aspx)

Victoria Gau will conduct the National Philharmonic in a program of Bach masterpieces featuring the orchestra’s talented musicians — concertmaster Colin Sorgi, award-winning violinist Henry Flory and principal oboist Mark Hill — as soloists. On the program are Bach’s “Orchestral Suite No. 1 in C Major,” “Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor,” “Violin Concerto No. 1 in A Minor” and “Double Concerto for Oboe and Violin in D Minor.”

Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, Maryland

**WNO American Opera Initiative: ‘The Dictator’s Wife’**
JANUARY 15TH, 2017 AT 02:00 PM | $35 | TEL: 202-467-4600 | [EVENT WEBSITE](http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/OROMA)

In this bitingly satirical work by Mohammed Fairouz and Mohammed Hanif, a world premiere commissioned by Washington National Opera, the wife of a once-powerful dictator bemoans how she must now answer for the atrocities committed by her husband, who cowers in the bathroom as the country falls apart. Also Friday 1/13 at

Kennedy Center, 2700 F St. NW

**Rineke Dijkstra Lecture**
JANUARY 15TH, 2017 AT 02:00 PM | FREE | [EVENT WEBSITE](http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/calendar/lectures/arnold-newman-lecture-series/rineke-dijkstra.html)

Amsterdam-based photographer Rineke Dijkstra speaks as part of the National Gallery of Art’s Arnold Newman Lecture Series on Photography. A comprehensive exhibition of Dijkstra’s work was mounted at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in 2012.

National Gallery of Art East Building, East Building, 4th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW

**’A Little Princess’**
JANUARY 15TH, 2017 AT 03:00 PM | $10 AND $15 | TEL: 703-548-1154 | [EVENT WEBSITE](http://www.encorestageva.org/tag/a-little-princess/)

In this Encore Theatrical Arts Project musical, recommended for children age 4 and older, Sara Crewe, a young heiress to a diamond mine fortune, leaves her home and father in India to go to school at Miss Michin’s Select Seminary for Young Ladies in London. Sara’s imaginative powers transform a drab institution into a place of magic and mystery and prove that kindness always wins. Also Friday 1/13 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday 1/14 at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Thomas Jefferson Theatre, 125 South Old Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia

**Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Peace Walk and Parade**
JANUARY 16TH, 2017 AT 10:00 AM | FREE | [EVENT WEBSITE](http://mlkholidaydc.org)

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Peace Walk and Parade symbolizes the need to continue Dr. King’s work and reinforce the idea reflected in his words: “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. . . . Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” Those who believe in Dr. King’s message are considered members of the Coalition for Peace. The parade, which began in 1979, six years before Dr. King’s birthday became a federal holiday, will end at Anacostia Park, where the MLK Holiday Festival and Health Fair will be underway.

2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE (starting point)

**’Not Just Another Day Off: Where Do We Go From Here?’**
JANUARY 16TH, 2017 AT 11:00 AM | FREE WITH RSVP | [EVENT WEBSITE](http://www.folger.edu/not-just-another-day)

In this free and family-friendly celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., poets and actors will perform excerpts from his speeches, weaving in poems by local poets.

Haskell Center for Education and Public Programs, 301 E. Capitol St. SE

**’A Tribute to Dr. King: Sanctuary, Witness, Covenant’**
JANUARY 16TH, 2017 AT 02:00 PM | FREE | [EVENT WEBSITE](https://cathedral.org/event/tribute-dr-king-sanctuary-witness-covenant/)

Dr. King called on faith communities, specifically the church, to be a sanctuary for those in need and a public witness to injustice. Through song, narrative and prophetic reflection, this celebration will explore how faith communities have responded to that call and what sanctuary and witness look like today. The event will end in the act of covenant — mutual commitment to one another and to the ongoing movement for a just reconciliation, the freedom for which King and others worked tirelessly.

Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW

**’Let Freedom Ring!’**
JANUARY 16TH, 2017 AT 06:00 PM | FREE | TEL: 800-444-1324 | [EVENT WEBSITE](https://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/PRAEM)

The Kennedy Center and Georgetown University will celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a free (but ticketed) performance featuring Gladys Knight and the Let Freedom Ring Choir, led by Rev. Nolan Williams Jr. The university will present the 15th annual John Thompson Jr. Legacy of a Dream Award to Abel Enrique Núñez, executive director of the Central American Resource Center.

Kennedy Center Concert Hall, 2700 F St. NW


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