ANC Tonight: New Officers, Bridge Repairs, Dixie Liquor
By February 9, 2017 0 1046
•The Georgetown-Burleith-Hillandale Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 2E) will hold its January-February meeting, 6:30 p.m., Jan. 30, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place NW, Heritage Room, main building, second floor. The following is Monday’s meeting agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.
**Election of ANC Officers**
— Election of ANC 2E Officers for 2017
**Approval of the Agenda**
— Approval of January 30, 2017, ANC 2E Public Meeting Agenda
— Approval of the November 28, 2016, Meeting Minutes
— Approval of ANC 2E’s 2017 Meeting Calendar
— Approval of the Addition of New Officers as Signatories for ANC 2E’s Bank Accounts
— Approval of ANC 2E’s Participation in the 2017 ANC Security Fund
**Community Comment**
— Update Regarding DDOT’s Plans for the Upcoming Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge Project
**New Business**
— Letter of Support for the Annual Rose Park Farmer’s Market
— Special Event Application for the Marine Corps Marathon on October 22, 2017
— Special Event Application for the Lawyers Have Heart 10K & 5K on June 10, 2017
— Special Event Application for the Race to Beat Cancer 5K on September 16, 2017
**Alcoholic Beverage Control Board**
— Application by Dixie Liquor for a New Retailer’s Class “A” Liquor Store License at 3429 M Street NW (ABRA-104976)
— 1335 Wisconsin Ave NW – BZA Application by &pizza for a Special Exception to Allow the Installation and Full Screening of Rooftop Mechanical Equipment (BZA #19422)
— Public Space Application by a Homeowner to Replace a 6 Foot High by 12 Foot Long Wooden Privacy Fence at 1531 27th Street NW (DDOT #187800)
**Old Georgetown Board**
Private Projects
1. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-060 (HPA 17-109) 3234 N Street, NW (Square 1218, Lot 830) Residence Alterations to front entry, Window Replacement, Site Alterations Concept
2. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-061 (HPA 17-110) 3234 N Street, NW (Square 1218, Lot 830) Residence Demolition for construction entrance Permit
3. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-095 (HPA 17-169) 3254 O Street, NW (Square 1230, Lot 125) Residence Alterations and second story addition to garage Concept
4. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-090 (HPA 17-163) 3300 O Street, NW (Square 1229, Lot 124) Residence Site work
5. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-070 (HPA 17-130) 3116 P Street, NW (Square 1256, Lot 833) Residence, Two-story rear addition
6. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-043 (HPA 17-090) 1231 Potomac Street, NW (Square 1218, Lot 849) Commercial, Awning, Sign Permit
7. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-088 (HPA 17-161) 3222 M Street, NW (Square 1200, Lot 868) Commercial, New Storefront
8. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-073 (HPA 17-136) 3265 M Street, NW (Square 1207, Lot 121) Commercial Sign – Lululemon, Permit
9. SMD 2E06 – OG 16-385 (HPA 16-676) 3012 Q Street, NW (Square 1269, Lot 868) Residence Rear addition, Alterations, Concept
10. SMD 2E06 – OG 17-075 (HPA 17-145) 2724 Olive Street, NW (Square 1214, Lot 24) Residence Removal of rear sunroom and installation of new deck Permit
11. SMD 2E07 – OG 17-077 (HPA 17-149) 2500 Q Street, NW (Square 1264, Lot 27) Multi-family residence Replace rooftop antennas – T-Mobile Permit
**No Review At This Time by ANC 2E:**
The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming February 2, 2017, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board (OGB), have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, January 27, 2017.
**Public Projects**
1. SMD 2E01 – CFA 16/FEB/17 1819 35th Street, NW (Square 1297, Lot 853) Hardy Middle School Site work for outdoor classroom Concept
**Private Projects**
1. SMD 2E02 – OG 17-081 (HPA 17-154) 1623 33rd Street, NW (Square 1279, Lot 216) Residence Alterations, Window replacement Permit
2. SMD 2E02 – OG 17-072 (HPA 17-134) 1627 35th Street, NW (Square 1277, Lot 804) Residence Retaining wall – Existing alteration without review Permit
3. SMD 2E02 – OG 17-074 (HPA 17-139) 1667 35th Street, NW (Square 1294, Lot 42) Residence Window replacement, Site work
4. SMD 2E02 – OG 17-082 (HPA 16-275) 3324 Dent Place, NW (Square 1278, Lot 251) Residence New residence Concept
5. SMD 2E02 – OG 17-094 (HPA 17-115) 3327 Dent Place, NW (Square 1290, Lot 299) Residence Rear addition, Alterations Concept
6. SMD 2E02 – OG 16-309 (HPA 16-562 3320 Reservoir Road, NW (Square 1290, Lot 866) Residence Rear addition, Window and door replacement, Alterations Concept
7. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-084 (HPA 17-0157) 1405 34th Street, NW (Square 1245, Lot 159) Residence Roof replacement
8. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-079 (HPA 17-152) 3205 N Street, NW Commercial Signs, Screening for Trash Area / Mechanicals Permit
9. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-096 (HPA 17-115) 3107 Dumbarton Street, NW (Square 1243, Lot 801) Residence Window replacement, Alterations to garage, Roof replacement Permit
10. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-078 (HPA 17-151) 3143 Dumbarton Street, NW (Square 1243, Lot 842) Residence Roof replacement Permit
11. SMD 2E03 – OG 17-097 (HPA 17-118) 3316 Volta Place, NW (Square 1254, Lot 879) Residence Addition, Alterations Concept
12. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-029 (HPA 17-054) 1032-1034 33rd Street, NW (Square 1184, Lot 833,832) Mixed-use Rear Addition, Alterations Concept
13. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-040 (HPA 17-068) 1221 33rd Street, NW (Square 1206, Lot 812) Residence Solar Panels Permit
14. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-054 (HPA 17-103) 3000 K Street, NW (Square 1173, Lot 821) Commercial Installation of Canopy, Permit
15. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-089 (HPA 17-162) 3000 K Street, NW (Square 1173, Lot 821) Commercial Site work Permit
16. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-076 (HPA 17-148) 3131 M Street, NW (Square 1208, Lot 55) Commercial Signs – Johnny Rockets – Existing alterations without review Permit
17. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-056 (HPA 17-105) 3270 M Street, NW (Square 1200, Lot 866) Commercial Antennas – Verizon Permit
18. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-071 (HPA 17-131) 3139 N Street, NW (Square 1232, Lot 59) Residence Window Replacement on rear of house Permit
19. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-085 (HPA 17-158) 3330 Cady’s Alley, NW (Square 1184, Lot 55) Commercial Banner and sign – Brilliant Earth, Alterations Permit
20. SMD 2E05 – OG 17-048 (HPA 17-097) 1249 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1208, Lot 22) Commercial Alterations, Signs-Kendra Scott Permit
21. SMD 2E07 – OG 17-080 (HPA 17-153) 1601 30th Street, NW (Square 1283, Lot 29) Residence Window replacement, Permit
22. SMD 2E07 – OG 17-093 (HPA 17-167) 1688 31st Street, NW (Square 1281, Lot 814) Residence Rear addition, Roof alterations, New garage, Pool, Site work Concept
23. SMD 2E07 – OG 17-086 (HPA 17-159) 2715 Q Street, NW (Square 1285, Lot 801) Dumbarton House Site work, Alterations, Permit
24. SMD 2E07 – OG 17-091 (HPA 17-164) 3029 Q Street, NW (Square 1282, Lot 278) Residence Garage alterations and new parking pad Permit
25. SMD 2E08 – OG 17-083 (HPA 17-156) 1226-1234 36th Street, NW (Square 1223, Lot 87, 857) Commercial, Alterations to facade of 1232 Prospect Street, Windows, Mechanicals, Concept
26. SMD 2E08 – OG 17-087 (HPA 17-160) 1366 37th Street, NW (Square 1226, Lot 105) Institution Window Replacement, Door Restoration Concept
**Government of the District of Columbia: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E**
3265 S St. NW, Washington, DC 20007