More ANC: LED Lights and DACA
By April 24, 2017 0 296
•One block of Volta Street, where the District Department of Transportation has placed a row of experimental LED streetlights, has driven at least one resident, Marnie Kenney, “almost mad.” “I’m the angry neighbor,” remarked the exasperated Georgetown homeowner at the April 3 meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E.
Kenney claimed she has told DDOT numerous times that the bright, unshielded lighting has prevented her and her children from sleeping unless they pull down bomb-shelter-like curtains. “Come down and see for yourself. It’s just a block away,” said Kenney.
DDOT’s lengthy, slide-supported presentation of the goals of the LED installation was cut short by ANC Chair Ed Solomon for residents’ comments and ANC members’ detailed questions. It later continued in the reception hall.
Another planned discussion, by ANC members from Georgetown University, was also cut short. A proposal to support President Obama’s expired DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program — granting a two-year waiver from deportation and temporary work permits to qualified immigrants under the age of 32 who came to the U.S. illegally under the age of 16 — was withdrawn.
“It’s very political and needs further consideration,” said ANC member Zachary Schroepfer.