Also Retiring: Ministry Center’s Gunther Stern

After nearly 30 years, Georgetown Ministry Center’s Executive Director Gunther Stern will retire in February 2018. Stern was recently honored as a “Hometown Hero” by Fox 5 News.

“In the winter of 1984, an elderly homeless man named Freddie died of exposure in an icy phone booth at a gas station on M Street in Georgetown,” GMC writes. “His death, a symptom of the incipient crisis of homelessness in Washington D.C., moved Georgetowners to search for an appropriate community response. In 1987, the Georgetown Clergy Association and Georgetown University founded Georgetown Ministry Center, organized a governing board, incorporated, and began its work. GMC has grown to include a successful drop-in center, street outreach and a winter shelter that offers a safe haven from the streets to our most withdrawn and vulnerable homeless neighbors. GMC’s unique presence in Georgetown makes us an essential part of the net of services cast to the city’s homeless population.”

Located at Grace Church, the Ministry Center is currently searching for a new executive director. The application deadline is Aug. 31 and the job starts Oct. 2. For more information, email

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