2017: A Year of Protests (photos)

Freedom of speech, of the press, of association, of assembly and petition — the fabric of an open society, these are rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.

The nation’s capital has perennially stood at the epicenter of our citizens’ dissent. The inauguration of President Donald Trump in January of 2017 precipitated the massive Women’s March on Washington, followed by various rallies and demonstrations: for science, education, the climate, workers, immigration, LGBT rights, abortion rights, religious freedom (and an end to discrimination against Muslims) and Puerto Rican reconstruction.

Many of the sentiments on the demonstrators’ signs seemed sharper, meaner and wittier than in earlier years. Some may live on far longer than the memories of the rallies themselves.

View Jeff Malet’s photos of last year’s protests in D.C. by clicking on the photo icons below.



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