Christ Church Marks 200 Years
By May 14, 2018 0 2267
•Cloudy skies and a light drizzle didn’t stop Christ Church, Georgetown, from getting to its parish picnic on Sunday, May 13. After all, this was something 200 years in the making.
As part of Christ Church’s bicentennial program, hundreds of parishioners gathered for a special service commemorating the laying of the church cornerstone on May 12, 1818. (A new cornerstone has been laid in the church courtyard with remnants from the original.)
Afterward, the choir led the congregation down 31st Street to Tudor Place for a garden-party barbecue complete with jazz quartet.
Timothy Cole, the church rector, was joined by his predecessor, Stuart Kenworthy, and assistant rectors Elizabeth Keeler and Elizabeth Gardner, as well as by Tudor Place staffers, who opened the mansion for parishioner tours.
This event was among the many ways the church is marking its big milestone year and its special place in the Georgetown community. On May 5, parishioners visited the graves of the church founders in Oak Hill Cemetery.