ANC Monday: 5G, Hyde, Bus Shelter, Washington Gas
By April 27, 2019 0 793
The Georgetown-Burleith-Hillandale Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 2E) will hold its May meeting on Monday, April 29, at 6:30 p.m. at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place NW, in the Heritage Room on the second floor of the main building. The following is the agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.
[Editor’s note: Added to the agenda is a discussion of a proposed bus shelter at 35th Street and Dent Place.]
Approval of the Agenda
• Approval of the ANC’s April 29, 2019, Meeting Agenda
• Approval of the ANC’s April 1, 2019, Meeting Minutes
• Public Safety and Police Report
Community Comment
• Update from the Mayor’s Office
• Update from Council member Jack Evans’s Office
• Update Regarding the Jelleff Recreation Center Renovation and the Jelleff Field Contract
• Update Regarding the Hyde-Addison Elementary School Modernization Project
• Presentation by the District Department of Transportation Regarding the Agency’s Palisades Trolley Trail and Foundry Trestle Feasibility Study
• Presentation by TeleWorld Solutions Regarding the Use of Rooftops for Small Cell 5G Installations
New Business
• Presentation by Washington Gas and Consideration of a Resolution Regarding the D.C. Public Service Commission’s Second Hearing on Washington Gas Leaks
• Consideration of a Resolution Regarding the Proposed Georgetown Canal Plan
• Consideration of a Resolution Requesting that the District Department of Transportation Synchronize the Timing for the Traffic Lights Leading to the Key Bridge
• Consideration of a Resolution Regarding the Proposed Burleith Capital Bikeshare Station
• Consideration of a Resolution Regarding the Proposed Rose Park Capital Bikeshare Station
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
• Application by the Rosewood Washington DC Hotel for a Substantial Change to the Establishment’s Retailer’s Class “C” Hotel License at 1050 31st Street NW in Order to Expand the Premises to Include Six Newly Renovated Townhomes (ABRA-102245)
• Request from Tony and Joe’s at 3000 K Street NW (ABRA-010762) and Nick’s Riverside Grill at 3050 K Street NW (ABRA017308) to Allow for the Transport of Alcohol From and to the Establishments on New Year’s Eve
• Proposed Amendments to the Settlement Agreements for:
o Tony and Joe’s at 3000 K St. NW (ABRA-01076)
o Nick’s Riverside Grill at 3050 K St. NW (ABRA-017308)
o Angolo Ristorante at 2934 M St. NW (ABRA-109417)
o Il Canale at 1063-1065 31st St. NW (ABRA-083707)
o Flavio at 1069 31st St. NW (ABRA-008004)
• Consideration of Several Alcoholic Beverage License Renewal Applications for Restaurants, Hotels, Multipurpose Facilities, Clubs, Marine Vessels, Arenas and Caterers (See Separate List of Applications)
Public Space Committee
• Public Space Application by the Norwegian Embassy for the Installation of a Temporary Flagpole at the Embassy’s Temporary Chancellery at 2900 K St. NW (DDOT #328855)
• Zoning Commission Application by Georgetown 29K Acquisition, LLC for a Map Amendment from Unzoned to MU-13 at 1051-1055 29th Street NW (ZC #19-08)
Old Georgetown Board
Full Review at This Time by ANC 2E: The ANC proposes to adopt a resolution regarding the following projects, which are on the upcoming May 2, 2019, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board (OGB).
1. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-140 (HPA 19-287) 3313 N Street, NW (Square 1229, Lot 132) Residence Rear addition Concept
2. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-127 (HPA 19-255) 1436 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1244, Lot 862, 863) Commercial Storefront alterations Concept
3. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-029 (HPA 19-073) 2801 M Street, NW (Square 1212, Lot 834) Commercial Alterations Concept
4. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-144 (HPA 19-291) 2737 O Street, NW (Square 1260, Lot 830) Residence Replace windows, doors, and remove roof deck to correct violation Permit
5. SMD 2E07 – OG 19-155 (HPA 19-304) 1644 31st Street, NW (Square 1281, Lot 835) Tudor Place Addition to garage Concept
No Comment at This Time by ANC 2E: The following projects, which are on the upcoming May 2, 2019, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board (OGB), have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution regarding them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, April 26, 2019.
1. SMD 2E02 – OG 19-132 (HPA 19-264) 1638 32nd Street, NW (Square 1280, Lot 859) Residence Replace two second story windows on front elevation Permit
2. SMD 2E02 – OG 19-145 (HPA 19-293) 1556 34th Street, NW (Square 1274, Lot 201) Residence Rear site alterations Concept
3. SMD 2E02 – OG 19-139 (HPA 19-285) 1650 35th Street, NW (Square 1292, Lot 815) Residence Replace windows Permit
4. SMD 2E02 – OG 19-129 (HPA 19-257) 3203 R Street, NW (Square 2154, Lot 800) Residence Window and door replacement Permit
5. SMD 2E02 – OG 19-100 (HPA 19-206) 3241 R Street, NW (Square 2154, Lot 20) Residence Site work Concept
6. SMD 2E02 – OG 19-158 (HPA 19-307) 3324 Reservoir Road, NW (Square 1290, Lot 273) Residence Rear addition Concept
7. SMD 2E02 – OG 19-128 (HPA 19-256) 1677 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1280, Lot 1008) Commercial Window replacement Permit
8. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-156 (HPA 19-305) 1511 33rd Street, NW (Square 1255, Lot 814) Residence Replace fence with brick wall at rear yard and revised garden design Permit
9. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-147 (HPA 19-296) 1324 35th Street, NW (Square 1227, Lot 91) Residence Alterations to rear facade; fenestration alterations on rear; restoration on front façade Permit
10. SMD 2E03- OG 19-154 (HPA 19-303) 3420 N Street, NW (Square 1221, Lot 827) Residence Replace roof on carriage house; new skylight and relocated units on main house Permit
11. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-130 (HPA 19-260) 3209 O Street, NW (Square 1244, Lot 856) Commercial Replace windows Permit
12. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-138 (HPA 19-282) 3304 O Street, NW (Square 1229, Lot 861) Residence Replace tin roof with copper Permit
13. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-084 (HPA 19-188) 3217 P Street, NW (Square 1271, Lot 856) Commercial Site work Concept
14. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-112 (HPA 19-240) 3274 P Street, NW (Square 1244, Lot 821) Residence Revisions to previously approved permit Permit
15. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-151 (HPA 19-300) 3323 P Street, NW (Square 1254, Lot 223) Residence Revisions to previously permitted work – windows and front brick wall Concept
16. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-149 (HPA 19-298) 3108 Q Street, NW Residence Replace windows on south elevation and standing seam roof Permit
17. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-053 (HPA 19-113) 3133 Dumbarton Street, NW (Square 1243, Lot 39) Dumbarton United Methodist Church Site work Concept
18. SMD 2E03 – OG 19-135 (HPA 19-276) 3414 Volta Place, NW (Square 1253, Lot 857) Residence Two-story rear addition, lap pool at side yard, new chimney, landscape modifications Permit
19. SMD 2E05 – OG 18-340 (HPA 18-641) 1015 33rd Street, NW (Square 1185, Lot 2032) Multi-family residence Replacement windows and balcony doors Permit
20. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-143 (HPA 19-290) 3030 M Street, NW (Square 1197, Lot 861) Commercial Install one halo lit, pin-mounted wall sign Concept
21. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-153 (HPA 19-302) 3030 M Street, NW (Square 1197, Lot 861) Commercial Alterations to storefront Concept
22. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-159 (HPA 19-308) 3140 M Street, NW (Square 1199, Lot 810) Commercial New sign on existing sign band Permit
23. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-101 (HPA 19-211) 3405 M Street, NW (Square 1204, Lot 64) Commercial Sign for “Chase” ATM entrance Permit
24. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-137 (HPA 19-281) 3600 M Street, NW (Square 1203, Lot 47) Commercial Waterproofing Permit
25. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-099 (HPA 19-204) 1057 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1189, Lot 89) Commercial Sign for “AT&T” Permit
26. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-106 (HPA 19-229) 1065 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1199, Lot 839) Commercial Sign for “The Candle Bar” Concept
27. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-136 (HPA 19-277) 1065 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1199, Lot 839) Commercial Signage for “Taim” Concept
28. SMD 2E05 – OG 19-131 (HPA 19-262) 1070 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Square 1200, Lot 868) Commercial Banner sign for “Church Hall” Concept
29. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-152 (HPA 19-301) 1228 27th Street, NW (Square 1215, Lot 81) Residence Rear addition Permit
30. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-134 (HPA 19-274) 1205 28th Street, NW (Square 1214, Lot 28) Residence Stair repair Permit
31. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-090 (HPA 19-195) 1342 28th Street, NW (Square 1240, Lot 823) Residence Door replacement, garage door replacement, and new trellis Permit
32. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-062 (HPA 19-127) 2801 M Street, NW (Square 1212, Lot 834) Commercial Window replacement at second floor Permit
33. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-148 (HPA 19-297) 2823 N Street, NW (Square 1235, Lot 836) Residence Skylight, Window well alterations Permit
34. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-141 (HPA 19-288) 3016 O Street, NW (Square 1242, Lot 805) Residence Relocate AC units to roof, alterations to east and south elevations Concept
35. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-142 (HPA 19-289) 2708 P Street, NW (Square 1261, Lot 2) Residence Fence replacement Permit
36. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-072 (HPA 19-161) 2905 P Street, NW (Square 1268, Lot 813) Residence Rear addition Concept
37. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-092 (HPA 19-197) 2907 P Street, NW (Square 1268, Lot 810) Residence Rear addition Concept
38. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-146 (HPA 19-294) 3000 P Street, NW (Square 1257, Lot 208) Residence Install rooftop and wall vent; remove wall AC unit Permit
39. SMD 2E06 – OG 19-157 (HPA 19-306) 3024 Q Street, NW (Square 1269, Lot 360) Residence New panel shutters Concept
40. SMD 2E07 – OG 19-133 (HPA 19-272) 1525 26th Street, NW (Square 1264, Lot 94) Residence Replace two patio doors on rear facade Permit
41. SMD 2E07 – OG 19-150 (HPA 19-299) 3014 Cambridge Place, NW (Square 1282, Lot 41) Residence Alterations to front stair and site work Permit
Government of the District of Columbia: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E
3265 S St. NW, Washington, DC 20007