GU Parent Gets Jail Time for Admissions Fraud

A man who paid nearly half a million dollars to get his child into Georgetown University as a tennis player worth recruiting — which the young man was not — was sentenced to four months in prison.

Stephen Semprevivo, who paid $400,000 to get his son admitted to Georgetown University, entered a felony guilty plea in an effort to evade jail. Semprevivo told a judge that he shouldn’t go to prison because he was a “victim” and had been “hoodwinked.”

The case is part of the investigation into college admissions fraud dubbed “Varsity Blues.” Another defendant, actress Felicity Huffman, was fined $30,000 and sentenced to two weeks in jail and 250 hours of community service for paying $15,000 for her daughter’s score on an SAT exam to be improved.


  • Kate Oczypok

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