Partial Closure of M Street in Georgetown
By January 30, 2020 0 1077
•Travel lanes will be closed and curbside parking restricted on M Street in Georgetown from 29th Street to 36th Street NW for approximately three weeks. At least one lane in each direction will remain open to traffic.
Beginning around Wednesday, Jan. 29, the partial closure, was scheduled by the District Department of Transportation to permit a contractor to carry out sidewalk and in-road bus pad repairs. Work will be underway Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project is due to be completed by Thursday, Feb. 20.
Per the DDOT advisory: Traffic control devices will be in place. Motorists should anticipate moderate delays due to the lane closures. All users of the roadway are advised to stay alert while traveling through these locations and to be observant of the work zone.
For updates, visit or follow DDOT on Twitter.