To Our Supporters, We Say Thank You During The Georgetowner’s 66th Anniversary
By October 22, 2020 0 796
•The Georgetowner would like to thank its supporters during this difficult time and during the newspaper’s 66th anniversary. You are indeed a special group with new supporters joining the effort each week — and we want to thank you.
If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that newspapers and news gathering matter, more than we could ever imagine. Yet, even before the pandemic, local newspapers were dying. The old revenue model — print advertising — has shifted, which means producing the paper you hold in your hands is harder than ever.
Again, thank you for supporting The Georgetowner — in operation since 1954 — so that we can continue to bring you the news you need. Please tell your friends to become a Georgetowner Stakeholder. Keep the presses rolling and the pixels going.
We appreciate it so much, and we would like to recognize the following, so far:
Edward Weidenfeld
Friends of Volta Park
Grayson & Company
John and Kristen Lever
Penny Farthing and Andrew Miller
Richard Murphy
Robyn and Leon Andris
Carp For Success, LLC
Ellen and Howard Eisenberg
Peter Harkness
Gertraud Hechl
Coleman Jackson
Pamla Moore
Chris Putula
Anne Randolph
Lisa Rossi
Paige and Tim Shirk
Robert Stowers
St. John’s Church, Georgetown
Cathleen Clinton • Nelson Cunningham • Paul and Diana Dennett • Diane Eames • Elizabeth Friedman • Georgetown Village • Peter Harkness • Peter Higgins • JAB Holding Company • Jerome Libin • Mapping Geogetown • Skip Moosher • Stephanie Bothwell Urban and Landscape Design • Christopher Wolf
Thank You Again —